"It turns out that you still don't know." Night is a little surprised, "You don't know the truth, I will call me this phone, enough to show that you still have feelings about the night Yan."

"Grandpa, I only know the situation of the night flaming today, I want to go back and see him ..."

In the end, the sentence is exported, and the Blue Qian Yu can't help but cry. She covers her own lips, forcibly controlling the mood of grief, I can't say anything, "I don't know, I don't know him, I don't know, I really do not know……"

"Good boy, don't cry, the night flames are still alive, he is still waiting for you." The voice of the night old woman is also swallowed.

"Why do he have a car accident? Why do you have a car accident? His car skill is so good, or the racer, why will it take a car accident?" Blue Qianyu cried, "How can it be?"

"Lost you, he is like a knife ..." Night old man said, "But he doesn't want you to see that he is caught by cancer, so I have to let go, you can understand that painful Does it taste? "

"He is really stupid ..." Blue Qian Yu cried, "Why is so stupid."

"Hey ..." The old man is long and sigh, "I don't say this now, my child, come back, he needs you."

"Well." Blue Qianfeng nodded, "I will contact Zhao Jun later, let him prepare it. Because I am physically, I am afraid that I am not allowed to take a passenger plane."

"These are small things, I will let him arrange, you can come back, I am very happy." The old man said gratified.

"But Grandpa ..." Blue Qian Yu bites the lower lips, whispers say, "There is something, please promise me, otherwise I can't go back."

"What? You said."

"I will stay in the hospital with him for a while, let him have a desire to survive, but after waiting for his condition, I have to leave ..."

"Why ?? You have him in your heart, why can't you be with him? Now you have changed much, he has changed much, he will change, why don't you give each other opportunity?"

"The change is not the thing you can do, you still need to have a long time. There is too much damage between us, not to change. In this disaster, we have hurt too heavy, we It takes time to slow the treatment. "Blue Qian Yu gently carested his own gauze's face," More, I am not suitable for him with him ... Maybe he saw me, I won't be happy, Instead, it will be sad. "

"how could be?"

"Yes, wait for you to see me, you will understand what I mean. Please promise me, after the condition of the night flame, let me leave!"


"Grandpa, please believe that if there is no reason to be away, I will not go! Please promise me! As long as you promise me, I will leave the United States tomorrow!"

"Hey ..." The old man is silent, for a long time, he finally promised, "Ok, now the urgency is to make the condition of the night flames, I believe that as long as you have love, no matter how much grinding, you will be together of."

"Thank you!"

"I let Zhao Jun arrange a special plane, and will start to the United States tomorrow morning, I will pick you up at the airport."

"it is good!"


Hanging up the phone, Blue Qianfei finally relieved, thinking that I can see the night flames soon, she is very happy, softly said: "Baby, very fast, you can see your father!"

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