"Shut up." Night's wife drank, "You just have a benevolent person, dare to speak for thousands of feathers?"

The Sichun face changed, and immediately apologized: "Sorry, the old man, I ..."

"You don't need to say more." The night of the old man interrupted her, "Qian Yu is a young lady of the night home, she has the power to dismiss a bodyguard, you will go."

"Old Nai, how can you listen to her words? I am being embarrassed." Susheng urgently explained.

"Ah ..." Gong Yao also made a hand of the night, helping the Susam.

"There is no matter here, sitting on it." Night old poorly glanced at Qi Yao, saying that the Scholar said, "Qian Yu never looked at the night's thing, she now speaks you have a problem, then you will There must be a problem. I don't need to see any evidence. You still don't go? Is it going to be a dart to go? "

"Old Nai!" Susam slammed down, "Even if you want to dismiss me, let me wait until the host surgery is successful, I just want to know the owner's situation, then I am relieved."

Night old man looks to the blue millennium: "Qian Yu, you will decide."

"If you really care about him, you won't make so many things when he is doing surgery." Blue Qian Yu is cold, "You are not true for him, everything is trying."

She turned back to Zhao Jun command that is coming, "Zhao Jun, sent guest!"

"Yes!" Zhao Jun's official publicly looked at Jusheng, "Jusheng, leave his face, let's go."

"Blue Qian Yu, you have a kind, you give me a remember!" The Susam knew the blue millet and turned to go to the sky.

Zhao Jun let two bodyguards to monitor the Sissor, then use the mobile phone to inform all the bodyguards, the Susam has been fired, don't let her come in.

Immediately, he said to the Night Old Nightmie: "The old woman, the Sussey did have any problems, just she dizzy our bodyguards, helping Xiao Han to mix in ..."

"What? Xiao Han is mixed?" The night old woman has changed.

"Grandpa is relieved, he has gone." Blue Qian Yu said calmly, "he will not come again later."

"Qian Yu, what is going on?" Cold if the ice asked anxiously.

"Nothing, he just saw my face, dying." Blue Qian Yu smiled bitter.

"Hey ..." The night is sighing, I don't know what to say.

Miyao Yao is so confused, I don't understand what Blue Qian Yu said.

Blue Qianyu looked at Qi Yao Yao, and said that he said, "Sucheng is not a good person, she has been using you, you didn't find it? In fact, she likes Night flames, she pits the relationship between us, sitting in the fishing The profit. "

Gong Yao stunned, and thought about it, and suddenly realized, she remembered a lot of past events. At that time, I thought that Joins were very mind, she relied on her, but after Blue Qian Yu said so, as as a company The matter what the piano does it ...

"Think of yourself, if you don't know you really like the night flame, I will not say so much." Blue Qianyu patted the hand of Yao Yao, "But you and him are close relatives, I can't be Together, if you are good for him, you should take him as a brother. "

Gong Yao frowned, angryly glared at her, doing a sign language: "Don't teach me, you want me to make a brother and sister with the flame, you are a mid to the night, want."

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