Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 332, loves a person, I hope he is happy

Blue Qianyu smiled, no more, just sit next to it.


At noon, Qiao Qing also came over. She did a small surgery, her face was pale, but the doctor said that she recovered very well, and I can restore normal people around a month.

Blue Qian Yu is very pleased.

Everyone is waiting outside the operating room, lunch, and Zhao Jun let the maid pack it casually.

I have been waiting for two more hours, the door of the operating room is finally opened, the doctor came out, everyone quickly welcomed the past: "How?"

The doctor took the mask and smiled: "The surgery is very successful!"

"Too good!" Everyone slammed a breath.

The lips of Blue Thousand are gratifying, and he finally spent the dangerous period, she can also make my body.

Gong Yao is crying again and laugh.

The night old woman is even a tear and horizontal: "Hey, my heart can finally put it down, if the night flame has three long two short, I can't live."

"Don't worry, surgery is very successful, then observe twenty-four hours, you can come out at night. Looking at the current situation, the night will soon recover." Doctor comforted.

"This is good, this is good." Night old woman nodded.

"Grandpa, I have long said, he will not have something." Blue Qianyu patted the shoulders of the old woman, "Can you go to eat now? Today, the water is not stained, so you can't do it."

"You are not eating?" The old man is deeply looked at the blue millet, "thousands of feathers, night flames are fine, stay, okay? I assure that he is different from Xiao Han, he will accept ..."

"Grandpa, we said it." Blue Qian Yu interrupts the night of the old man, "the night flame is handed over, I should go."

She turned her cold, cold, cold, smile, let Shen Jia's bodyguards arrange special plane, let the Thunder's bodyguards are prepared, they are time to leave.

Gong Yao saw Blue Qian Yu to go, can not help but stop, she thought that Blue Qian Yu said so much with her, just want to excite the night flame, I didn't expect Blue Qian Yu to leave here.

"Qian Yu, do you really don't think about it?" The night is not willing to persuade, "You and the night flames are clearly loved each other, he is not easy to spend the dangerous period now, why do you want to leave?"

"Grandpa, Xiao Han once loved me, but he saw my face, scared that look, and conceived that the night flames couldn't accept ..." The sigh of the blue thousands of hurts, "Let me return now. It's so serious, how can I bear the second blow to him? Maybe we start from the beginning, miss it, we can't be together. "

In addition to sighing, the night old man is not known to say something.

"Night old master, I know you feel bad, then respect her choice. Divorce surgery is also doing yesterday, don't think more." Cold, "Good to take care of the night, we should go "

Said, if the cold, the ice is supported by Blue Qian Yu ...

The medical care pushes Qiao Qing with behind.

Night old man is sending them to leave.

"Lady, I sent you." Zhao Jun also helped Blue Thousand Feathers.

Gong Yao looked at the back of Blue Qian Yu, the mood is very complicated.

Blue Qian Yu went to the elevator, suddenly returned to her: "Gong Yao, remember, love a person, I hope he is happy!"

(It's updated today, continue to update the chapter tomorrow !!)

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