Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 333 blessing to him in the distance

Mount a special plane, if you are soakeurized: "Qian Yu, what is your planning?"

"Go to a place where no one knows me, quiet life."

Blue Qian Yu looks outside the cabin, the plane rises, New York's high-rise building gradually became small, she stared at the hospital direction, said in the heart, Night flames, I hope you can get better soon, I will bless you in the distance. .

"Maybe the night will wake up, I will go to you." Cold Ruo Bing said, "He knows that before surgery, you have been keeping around him, will not be indifferent."

"I sent a text message to my grandfather. Please don't tell the night flames. I will take care of him." Blue Qian Yu received his eyes, calmly said, "Since you want to go, you will completely, there is no need to continue entanglement."

"Hey ..." Cold if the ice sighed deeply, I don't know what to say.

"Qian Yu, no matter what you do, I support you." Qiao Qing Qingli's hand, "Don't worry, I am with you, you will not be alone."

"Well." Blue Qian Yu nodded, "Qiao Qing, thank you."

"Qiao Qing, you are really difficult to love the love of thousands of feathers." Cold Ruoqi sighs, "I want to know that you do your daughter, you will be your business in the future."

"Auntie, how is this ..." Qiao Qing is a bit of a pet.

"Nothing is not good, you and thousands of feathers are also as good as my child." Cold, if the ice said, "In order not to let the night flames and Xiao Han discover thousands of feathers, I can't stay with her in the future, but I have you care, I am relieved. "

"Auntie, this is my own choice. Anyway, I am not a father, there is no more concern, if I don't follow the thousand feathers, I don't know what to do." Qiao Qing said, "We have a small to most, when you are young, no matter What I have, I'm doing you, now she is difficult, I should take care of her. "

"Good boy." Cold if the ice

"Auntie ..."

"It's also called aunt? It will be called aunt later." Cold, if you are relaxing, look at her seriously.

"This ..." Qiao Qing looked at the blue millet, the blue millet smiled nodded, and Qiao Qing finally closed the gift, "Thank you for your mother."

"We will be a family. Qiao Qing, you stay in Qianyu, it is really difficult for you, after all, you are still young, you have your own life, now, youth is consumed in her. However, I promise, wait After more than one or two years, the situation is better, the night flames and Xiao Han are also forgotten, and I will pick you up immediately and give you a new life. "

"Mom, you don't have to worry about our future, we will arrange it. I have grown up, I have to have independent living ability, I can't rely on you forever."

"You can think of me so much, I certainly support you independence, but you are now special period, I have to help you. Qian Yu, since you really decide to stay away from the night flame, you will find a small city life. I Arrange C city, there is a leisurely living, the folk style is simple, is a livable good city, I bought you in the suburbs there, you and Qiao Qing live there. "

"How to buy a villa? Such high-profile, buy a set of ordinary residential buildings."

"The villa in that place is cheap, only more than 3 million, and you can't afford to buy a business in Hong Kong. The house bought it, wrote your name, please also ask two maids, etc. After the special plane, I will send you in the past. "

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