New city, new home, new life, everything will start ...

Such a calm and peaceful, Blue Qian Yu is very satisfied, take a month, her hurt on her face is no longer so painful, Qiao Qing's body is getting better, and now I have been able to live.

This morning, the sun is bright, Joe Qing accompanied Blue Qian Yu to the hospital to do pregnant examination, and brought a maid.

Maid is a local person, a more understanding of the situation in this city, calling a taxi, accompanying them to the city hospital to build a pregnancy check card, but also a preliminary examination.

The gynecologist said that the fetus of Blue Qianyu is very healthy, just a anemia, giving her anemia, let her tuned, and some precautions.

The doctor is very friendly, but the old use of a strange eyes to make blue thousand feathers, but it is no wonder that she wears a strange black veil, others think she is a minority.

Blue Qian Yu looks to the medicine for the treatment of facial trauma to the obstetricians. Ask what can be used now, after the obstetrics and gynecologists have seen, wrinkled: "What wounds on your body? Although these drugs said It is more gentle, but how much is still affected to the fetus, if your injury is not very serious, I suggest you do not use it. "

"Can you use it?" Qiao Qing asked.

"Yes, all have an impact, it is best not to use." The gynecologist said.

"I know, thank you doctor, I will check it again next time."


Blue Qian Yu leaving the hospital with Qiao Qing and Maid, returned home, she took the topical medicines all.

Qiao Qing said: "Qian Yu, your wound has not been completely healed, if now stopped, then ..."

"Qiao Qing, my face is like this, even if it is not good now, I can't hurt the child for a face that has already destroyed." Blue Qian Yu smiled, "Nothing, people The body has an automatic healing function. I have a good thing on my face. Even if I don't have medicine, I will slowly heal. "

"Well." Qiao Qing sighed, "Now you value this child, what is it, you don't care."

"Of course, each of the most important children doing your mother."

Blue Qian Yu carested his flat abdomen. It is very happy. Now the child has been almost two months. Her early pregnancy reaction is still very strong. When I spit over the river every morning, her body is very uncomfortable, but I feel very happy. Because of this, she can induce the existence of the child.

"Good!" Qiao Qing nod, "Now our goal is to let the baby healthy and healthy! You take a break, I will go see the bird's nest."

"Well." Blue Qian Yu nodded.


At the same time, the NEW YORK, the condition of Night flames gradually improved, this day, he finally had some accidents, fascinated with the name of Blue Qian Yu.

After listening to the night, I couldn't help but sigh, and the Miyao Yao is very lost, but she still holds his hand, and wipes the cold sweat on him. Zhao Jun called the doctor to check the night flame, the doctor is pleased: "The night is always recovered very well, and it will be wake up in two days!"

"Really? Great." The old man is looking away.

Miyao Yao is also very happy, only Zhao Jun looks dignifier, if the owner wakes up, I don't see the young lady, I am afraid I have to go crazy. . .

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