Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 338 Flame, Qianyu will not come back

After five days, the night flames finally woke up, opened his eyes, and the first eyes saw the Yao Yao.

Gong Yao's thin face has changed shape. It was originally a sick face pale, and the eyelashes hanged with crystal clear tears were more poor than before.

Seeing the night flames, Gong Yao was so excited to do the sign language: "Fight brother, you finally woke up ..."

Night flames have not stopped on her face, but looking around the room, looking for Blue Qian Yu's figure. . .

For so long, he seems to take a circle in the ghost door. When he is desperate, he obviously heard her voice, heard her calling him, giving him hope, because of that, he only burned the desire to survive. . .

He brought happily to the old faith with her and hoped to see her, but she is not, why is she not?

Is she going out? Give him something, or go back to rest, will come late late?

The night flame heart is lucky, and the eyes are staring at the door. He is waiting, waiting for Blue Qianyu pushed the door.

Finally, the urgent footsteps came outside, some people were pushing the door, the heartbeat of the night flames accelerated, looking forward to the blue thousand feather ...

Unfortunately, Zhao Jun supported the night of the old woman, saw the eyes opened by the night, and the old man was excited to say: "Flame ..."

"Master, you finally woke up !!!" Zhao Junxun is mad, and even busy the night, the old man walked over, and made the bodyguard to call the doctor.

"Wake up, just wake up! The disaster has passed, everything has passed." The night old woman was excited to say, and the old tears.

"The owner, your stomach has been operated, the cancer cell has been controlled, as long as it is tuned, it can be fully recovered once a year." Zhao Jun smiled and reported, "the master, you are coma for two months." I can scare us ... "

His words did not finish, because he found that the night flame did not listen to him, and the eyes of the night flames did not blink, and kept staring at the door, it seems to be waiting for.

"Flame, are you ... waiting for thousands of feathers?" The night old woman was carefully asked.

The eyes of the Night flame finally blinked, and the dried lips were gently moving. If you want to talk, but unfortunately the throat is dumb, you can't clear the words, you can only vomit a word: "Yes ..."

"Hey ..." The night of the old man sighed, remembered the long information sent by the Blue Qian Yu before leaving the blue -

"Grandpa, I am leaving. There is still an unfortunately before leaving, beg you to promise me! After night flames, please don't tell him, I have come back to take care of him before his surgery, I have If you have already selected it, don't give him any hope, otherwise it will only make him more sad.

Let his memory stay in us, let him remember that I am a unique woman, so he will soon forget me, start a new life! And I don't have to have any burden! This is good for everyone, please don't promise me, but also inform Zhao Jun, Yu Yao and those bodyguards, don't disclose it! Thank you! "

Thinking here, the night of the old man is cruelly said: "Flame, Qian Yu will not come, she knows that you have never come back to have a car accident, forget her!"

Zhao Jun lowered his head and did not send it.

Gong Yao observed the reaction of the Night flame.

He looked at the door, his eyes became empty, for a long time, finally closed, desperate and sad ...

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