"Flame, we have a cup." Qin Wei's voice is enough to let men be drunk.

The night flames lightly shake the wine glasses, and the heart looks at her.

Qin Wei, twenty-one, demon mixed blood, noble temperament, light brown curly hair, devil-like sex body, more importantly, she is not only a very talented beauty, and is quite prominent home world Her father is the New York Finance Minister, if she married her, there will be a lot of help to the night business.

Qin Wei was so obsessed with the night flames, just before, he never gave her opportunity, originally because of Qi Yao, since he had a blue thousand feat, he looked at any woman like a vase.

And now, he broke.

He gave her close to his chance, just started because he wanted to borrow her forgetting Blue Qianyu, but later he found himself.

Blue Qian Yu is like a thorn, squatting in the night flames, no matter how he can't do it, maybe all, his heart, empty.

Today, the US News Weekly interviewed him when he asked him and Qin Wei's gossip, he responded, because he wanted to tell Blue Qian Yu through the news, he always remembered her, remembered the depths of his heart, he wants Stimulate blue thousand feathers, let her come to him ...

However, after calm down, he discovered that he was a big mistake, he was going to die, and the Blue Qianfeng did not come back to see him. Now he is just a woman, how can she come back? ? ?

So, a woman, it will not be jealous. . . .

"Flame, what are you thinking?" Qin Wei looked softly.

"Nothing." The night flames came back, and Qin Wei gently touched the wine glass and took the wine in the cup.

Zhao Jun behind him frowned, the doctor said that the stomach of the Night flames is still recovering, can't drink, but the night flame does not quit, no blue thousand feathers are around, his life is like this.

Now, Qi Yao's words are no role in him, and the night flames are no longer ruined that Qi Yao Yao is completely as a cousin.

"Tonight ... What is your arrangement?" Qin Wei sold wine, his face took a fascinating red cloud, the beautiful high heel pointed under the table, lighted the night flames, with obvious teasing.

"What do you say?" The night flames hook the lips, he never laminated a woman, but he had been abstaining after surgery, maybe he should let himself indulge, or the body is released, Will be less.

"Oh ..." Qin Wei smiled shy, "I live in the sea, sleep in bed, you can see the vast sea, you can also hear the sound of the waves."

"Well ..." Night flame nodded, "It seems that you will enjoy life."

"That is nature, people should be enjoyed." Qin Wei was holding chin in a hand, obsessed with night flames, "We all have tasteful people, of course, there is a taste. I don't know if you are interested tonight, go to my house to have a cup of coffee? "

"I am very tasty, the general coffee is not interested." The night flames smiled, quite deeply looked at her.

"Although my coffee looks noble sexy, but I am pure, I will give your taste ..." Qin Wei was shameless, she is hinting that she is a place - female ...

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