"Is it? That's really trying to taste." The night flames blinked.

"Hey, what are you waiting for?" Qin Wei held the hand of the Night flaming, "Let's go."

"So can't wait?" The night flame put down the wine glass, standing up, "I hope your coffee is delicious."

"You will not let you down."

Qin Wei's entire person has been posted, and his hands hook his neck and presented sexy hot kiss.

Night flames looked at Qin Wei's beautiful face, and the sparkling of Blue Qianfeng in his mind was blunting.

Qin Wei's lip stickers on his chin, she stunned, shy: "You really want to take the right!"

"Let's go." Night flamested her waist and went outside, brow low pressure, repeatedly reminded himself in my heart, night flames, don't be punished, the blue milf is not you, you have to die, she doesn't come back to see you. You don't have to keep her such as jade, there is no need ...


Black Lamborghini is galloping all the way, the night flame is driving, and the other hand holds the chin on the window.

Avril is sitting in the co-passenger chamber makeup. It is very satisfied with the mirror. It is very satisfied with his makeup. Men! !

She is tender like water to go: "Flame, I first saw you, I fell in love with you."

"Yes?" The night flamested her, and there was not half-hearted on her enthusiasm, but some disgusting.

Mom, the women in the world can't wait to rush to his arms. Only Blue Qianyu is not rare. He is inlaid. Is it a diamond or posted gold?

"What happened to you, I am always awkward." Qin Wei was attached to the night flames like a snake, and the hot red lips passed through his cheeks, and gently kissed his ears. "With people, Do you want a woman? "

"There is no other woman in my heart." Night flames answer very quickly, it seems to be said to hear itself.

"Really?" Qin Wei's ecstasy, "I know, you have me in your heart."

Her hand said: "Otherwise, you will not say so today."

"You are so beautiful, the family is so good, pursue your number of men, I also want to touch you."

The night flame responded, the body was moved next to the move, he didn't like her body, at least is not interested in her, unlike blue thousand feather, if she came over, he won't this this!

Damn, how did fucking think about the woman?

Night flaming, you are really a bone.

Don't want to think, don't want to think ...

"Oh ..." Qin Wei smiled gently, "You will be joking, your home is more than I have, why are you so modest?"

On the one side, the movements in her hand were more likely, even in his pants. . .

"Don't touch it, driving." The night flames frowned, he had a kind of impulse who wanted to get off the bus, this woman made him annoyed.

"Hey, I can't think of it, you are quite a male morality." Qin Wei smiled and smiled, and got on his face.

Night flames gave her from the rearview mirror, cold and said: "When you work hard, I didn't expect to be open for private."


Please support my other end of the work "Devil gambling: abdominal black BOSS is difficult to serve"

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