"How? You don't like it ??" Qin Wei is uneasy.

"Like it, it is a man like it."

There is no temperature in the tone of the Night flame, it is indeed a woman who likes such enthusiasm. What happened? I am not interested in her? ? He won't be sick for so long, the body has a problem?

"But you don't seem to be happy." Qin Wei was noticeable.

"No, I am just thinking about work." Night flames found an excuse, he must release himself tonight, don't be entangled by Blue Qian Yu's figure. .

"No wonder, I heard that you are working crazy." Qin Wei finally put down his heart, eyebrows opened, "I have to work again with me. If the business is in trouble, I can talk to me. Say, as long as he comes out ... "

"Which edge." The night flames interrupted her, the chin was minimized, pointed to the fork intersection in front.

"Left." Qin Wei pointed to the left direction.

Night flames move forward to her home ...


Qin Wei's home is really luxurious, the family is big to furniture, small to decorations, none is not a luxury.

As she said, her room is changing the sea, I can see the vast sea in a circular bed, and I can follow the rhythm of the waves.

It is worthy of rich family, it is really tasteful.

And there is also a talented knowledge, which is different from those who have been in the past.

"Let's take a look at my room." Qin Wei took the bedroom of the second floor with the night flames. "He is designed in my hand."

"It's a talented woman." Night flames are sincere.

"Oh, my room is more." Qin Wei smiled softly, with him into the room, poured two glasses of red wine, handed a cup of the night flame, "How? I like my room. ?"

"Yes." The night flames took the wine in the cup and lost the wine glass, and kissed Qin Wei ...

He wants to release, use this woman's body to release the shadow in his heart, forget the blue milfy ...

Qin Wei is enthusiastic, very well. . . .

However, in the mind of the night flame, it flashes the figure of the blue millet again, and the head is sharp and stinging ...

He stopped the action, smothering herbs, staring at Qin Wei, and she took a tempting breath, he should be emotionally, but he did not have interest.

His mind is full of blue thousands of feathers. At this time, she remembered her, damn, evil.

She has left him clearly, and she left with other men. Why do he want to think about her?

It shouldn't this, she has never loved him from beginning to end, why should he be willing?

"Flame ..." Qin Wei's thousand metabolies, took the initiative to climb it.

The night flames have been unfolded, turned to wear clothes, no longer thinking about those messy things in my mind, just don't want it.

"Flame, what happened? Is it, where did I do it?" Qin Wei was hugged from behind him.

"I am not interested." The night flames wanted to drive the hands of Qin Wei, quickly walk, Qin Wei wants to catch up, he drank, "Don't bother me."

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Please support my other end of the work "Devil gambling: abdominal black BOSS is difficult to serve"

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