The night flames are driving, and the mind is full of blue thousands of shadows ...

She is gentle, her stubborn, her crying, her smile, her delicate red lips, her perfect body, and in her body solubilized fast - sense. . . .

The past is like a glass fragment to him, his head a burst of pain, heart, like a blade, stranded blood ...

He accelerated the speed of the vehicle, Lamborghini flying like the wind, open, the whistling of the wind, the whistle of the wind, the front of the front, all things became a beautiful smile of Blue Thousand, as if he was calling him: "Night flame ..."

The night flames were smashed, and they looked in front. I have been going back for a long time. I turned out that he actually drove the car to the seawall. The distance between the front a few meters is a chance. . .

So dangerous, like his love for Blue Qian Yu.

regardless of costs! ! !

Unfortunately, she didn't love him at all, she didn't love all ...

The night flame closed his eyes, licking his head to explode, screaming: "Blue Qian Yu, I hate you, I hate you -------"


Blue Qian Yu is awaken from the nightmare, full of sweat, and the body is constantly shaking.

"Qian Yu, what happened?" Le Leng hit her hand, "Your hand is cool, is it a nightmare?"

"I, I have dreamed of the night flame." Blue Qian Yu panicked, "Dreaming of him to find me, but also kill me ..."

"Fool, don't think about it, have I am, I will protect you, never let anyone hurt you." Leigh is gentle, the blue-thousand feathers are sweating, "Sleep, don't think about it. "

"I can't sleep ..." Blue Qian Yu is lying in bed, turned to look at the baby bed, "I want to see the child."

"He slept in the fragrance, you will wait, I pushed him." Leizie pushed the baby's bed to Blue Qian Yu.

Blue Qian Yu looked at the child's tender little face, heart, became soft, lip raw, happiness: "I finally understood my mother's words, when she said to me, regardless of life, just see children Will feel happiness! "

"Mom is very hard, you are not easy." Leisheng glanced at her, "To maintain an optimistic and cheerful attitude, live well, don't think about it."

"Well." Blue Qianmun nodded, "You also go to sleep for a while, these two days, at night, you are accompanying me, there are blood in your eyes."

"I am young and strong, I have to live." Le Leng smiled, "You quickly sleep, tomorrow morning, doctors to check the room, you can't sleep."



The night flames stayed in the sea, just like a sea breeze, looked at the sea, quietly thinking about Blue Qianyu.

I think about her, her bad, and her tears and unrequited love ...

Zhao Jun took him with him, it wanted far, did not dare to be close.

Until the sun rose from the sea line, Zhao Jun had to persuade: "The master, I will go back! You didn't sleep overnight, the stomach will commit."

The night flame still looked at the distance, for a long time, suddenly said: "Zhao Jun, prepare for special plane, I have to go back to Hong Kong!"

"Return to Hong Kong?" Zhao Jun stunned, carefully asked, "The branch of Hong Kong has moved back to the United States, you are ..."

"I want to go to the blue thousand!" The night flamested eyes, the tone is very firm. "Since I can't let go, I will find it back! What is the relationship of her love? Anyway, she is my person !!! "


(10,000 words in April 6 have been updated, I wish you all a happy reading !!)

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