The night flames look at the clouds outside the cabin, I remembered past things with Blue Thousand, there is blood, but there are very few laughs. . .

Since she followed him, she didn't seem to have a good day for a day, always washing face with tears, and kept injury, and even he lost a child.

Revelling those past events, he felt very embarrassing, maybe a person will grow mature after experience, now the night flames have not been paranoid as before, even if he can't leave the Blue Qianyu, he doesn't want to use it before. The way she has her, he doesn't want to see her bleeding ...

Never I want it again. . .

However, thinking that it may lose her, his heart, it hurts. . .

He can only pray in your heart, I hope that Blue Qian Yu is now alone, then, even if he pays a big price, he will bring her back. .


On the fifth day of the hospital, the color of Blue Thousand is gradually improved. Although it is still a bit better than other pregnant women, she is now able to eat some light food, and the mood has become cheerful.

She doesn't think about those unhappy things. I don't want to want to think about the night flames. I have to think about the child, so she must keep the child feel the mother. . .

"Qian Yu, today's small wings have been experienced, all aspects are very healthy." Qiao Qing hit the child, smiled, "doctors and nurses can like small wings, every day, I will hold him. "

"Thousands of wings are so beautiful, who can don't like it?" Cold if ice smile.

"Of course, .." Qiao Qing laughed with Xiao Qianyi, "the little guy really can eat, eat more milk powder a day."

"It doesn't matter, we raise it." Cold if the ice is in a child.

"Right, Le Le?" Qiao Qing suddenly remembered that he didn't see Leisheng for a while. "Is it going back to rest?"

"No, just now, he went out to answer." Cold, the face of ice became serious, "he came out for a week, the troops should remind him, today, his father sent me a text message, he It is now high to be high, and the delay is too long. After all, the troops are not more elsewhere. "

"Waiting for him, I persuaded him." Blue Qian Yu frowned said, "I told him about the day before yesterday, let him quickly return to the army, there is you in this side, he is not willing."

"He doesn't worry about you." Cold Ruo Bing said, "I am very gratifying, but I am very pleased, but a big man is old in obstetrics and gynecology is really less convenient. You really want to persuade him Let him go back early. "

"Well." Blue Qian Yu nodded again.

"Eating!" At this time, Leisha took a few warm boxes, "Xiaofang sent the meals sent from home, health and nutrition. There is this soup, and you will be a hand, thousands of feathers, you can Drink more. "

"Okay." Blue Qian Yu looked at him, "Le Le, you are taking care of me and children two nights, should rest well during the day, don't go in the hospital."

Although their brothers and sisters have confirmed, but Blue Qian Yu is still used to call Leigh's name. After all, they have been so many friends, and now they suddenly make a lot of habits.

"I went back to sleep in the afternoon." Leisi is divided into food, "Qian Yu, I asked the doctor, you can eat some leeks, drink some chicken soup today."

He has a small bowl of chicken soup to feed the blue thousand feathers ...

"Thank you." Blue Qianfeng drunk a soup, suddenly said, "Le Le, you should go back."

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