Le Le was shocked, frowned, and looked at her with his face: "How? I am bored so much?"

"You are seven days for you to leave, the holiday should be here? If you delay it, you will affect your future." Blue Qian Yu is reluctant to persuade, "Here is a mother and Qiao Qing, there are two maids, Everything I am with the child is good, do you have anything else? "

"Anyway, I am not looking at you, I am not trying to worry." Leishabao is a look, "I have already called back to extend the holiday today, you can rest assured, nothing."

"Your father has already sent a text message to me, I didn't approve your holiday, you are a good job." Cold Ruo is serious, "Your father is strict, it is a right good official, you can No. "

In the cold, Lei Zhen Ting may not be a good husband, but it is definitely a good official. From the beginning, he will always be based on the country.


"Don't be." Blue Thousands interrupted his words. "In fact, I will let you go back and have a reason."

"What reason?" Leisheng asked.

"Here is obstetrics and gynecology, your big man is shaking here every day, it is really inconvenient. Although we are a separate ward, it is also awkward, and the maternal woman is inspected, the wound will change, or give the child to feed the child What have you seen you ... "

Qiao Qing "" laughs out.

"I have!" Leigh is shameless, "I, I have low my homes every time I pass."

"You are a low head, people also feel embarrassed." Blue Qian Yu said, "said again, you are still a yellow flower boy, and it is not good to see you."

"I ..." Leizie was solemn by her.

"Thousands of feathers are right!" Cold Ruozhen said, "You don't want it again, obey, hurry back to the army."

"Okay." Le Le finally compromised, "This, I asked the doctor today, the doctor said that the day will be discharged, I will take care of the two days, when I wait for thousands, I will go home with her, I will go home. Go back to the army. "

"This is also good." Nodded, "I was gratified," I can completely relieve myself, you can also feel relieved. "

"That is so decided, but you must go home this afternoon."

"Okay, then I will come over at night, my mother and Qiaoqing have a spirit, take care of you and the baby during the day, and let me take a class at night."

"Well, it will be arranged."


Going back to Hong Kong, the night flames have strive to investigate the drop of Blue Qianyu, but a whole day, no trail.

The next day, the night flames made Zhao Jun to investigate the cold of cold, and finally found that they recently returned to C-C-C-city, and secretly secretly investigating the travelers of Leles, and finally found that Leles also went to C. city.

Now the night flame is almost certain, the blue thousand feathers are in C city.

Get this news, the night flame is not easy, but more heavy, this does this mean that Blue Qian Yu really following Leles? ? ?

"Master, now we ... what to do?" Zhao Jun asked at the Wing.

"Letter, go to C City." The night flame decisive command, "and continue to investigate the specific address of Blue Qianyu."



In the afternoon, the night flames prepared to board C-city, Zhao Jun also received the latest news of the investigation, excited: "Master, Miss L., is in C city, we have a house with her name through real estate company. And She is now in the hospital now ... "

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