"Qian Yu, what happened?" Qiao Qing took the blue thousand faces wrong, and quickly asked, "Don't worry, the Yuan doctor is not said, she has confidence to cure the little wings."

"Well." Blue Qianfei nodded, did not say more, she decided to go to the hospital to do blood sample test, maybe, the blood test results when the thousand wings were born?


About more than half an hour drive, finally arrived in the Children's Hospital of Yuanqing.

Yuan Qing first arranges the ward to the small thousand wings, re-use a series of test inspections, and also blood test for cold ice and blue queen.

Qiao Qing has been staying in the ward to take care of Xiaoqianyi, and Shen Zanghai is responsible for taking care of cold ice and blue thousand feathers.

Because the Yuan Qing personally arranges everything, it is entirely available in the afternoon.

Doctors in C City did not judge the mistake. The little killer did got leukemia, and Blue Qian Yu and cold blood stipulations were different from Xiao Qianyi. The bone marrow naturally could not be transplanted.

I heard this news, if the ice is cold, hurriedly asked: "Is the blood type not just transplanted bone marrow?"

"Of course," Yuan Qing is sure, "the blood type, the bone marrow is not necessarily paired; but the blood type is different, the bone marrow is absolutely unpaid."

Blue Qianyu closed his eyes, although it was psychologically prepared, but now she still can't accept reality, so it is not easy to get rid of the previous life, and I have to go back to the origin. Do she really want to go to the night flame?

Don't say that she is now in this way, even if her look is normal, the night flame does not necessarily promise her ...

"That testing my blood." Shen Zanghai said, "The bone marrow transplantation is sometimes the fate, maybe my bone marrow and the bone marrow of the little wing can be paired."

"To the right, help me to test it, I can't help me and the thousand wings can be paired." Qiao Qing also said.

"I can arrange people to test you, but ..." Yuan Qing wanted to think, the dignity is said to Blue Qian Yu, "Qian Yu, I know that I should not mention your past, but now I don't know the life of the child, I suggest You will contact your child as soon as possible. Generally, the probability of directly affiliated with the child is the greatest, the blood type on the mother is not suitable, then the blood type of the father is very likely to be suitable. "

I heard this sentence, if the cold is shocked, she almost ignores this problem. This is always thinking that I have a little heart to treat the little wings. I have no energy. Now I seem to go to the night flame. .

Blue Qian Yu is a low head, and there is no saying in a word.

"Qian Yu, do you have to think about this problem?" Shen Sangtai asked.

Blue Qianyu nodded: "When the thousand wings are born, he will test blood, his blood type is different from me, the same as his father."

"Why don't you say it early? I will contact Zhao Jun immediately, let him inform the night." Cold, if the ice has taken care of anything else, she only wants to save the thousand wings, she immediately took out the phone.

"Wait a minute ..." Blue Qian Yu is saving cold, "Let me think about it ..."

"I still want to think about it. This is time, saving thousands of wings." Cold if it is anxious, "Qian Yu, I know you don't want to go back, you don't want to talk to night flames, don't even want to face him However, you think about the thousand wings, the current situation is so dangerous, do you still have to see him tortured? "

"I certainly can't bear my heart." Blue Qian Yu said, "But ... I am afraid that he will not necessarily help me ..."

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