"What is helping you? This is his son, his responsibility." Cold if it is very annoying, "If he doesn't help, he is not a man."

"In case he does not believe?" Blue Qian Yu said, "His character is so biased, I often don't ask if it is not black and white, but also makes so much impulsive thing, what should I do like before? In the past, he could only hurt me. What if he accidentally hurts the thousand wings? "

I heard these words, if the cold is silent ...

Indeed, the night flames have always been paranoid, because when they mistaken, the Blue Qian Yu is dyed with Xiao Han, so that they are so cruel, so that their first child is tragic abortion.

Although he also regretted afterwards, it has already produced, sometimes the tragedy is between a thought, and regret it can't make up.

What's more, when the night flames, there is a car accident. I don't know if Blue Qian Yu goes back to take care of him. Maybe in his heart, I have always thought that Blue Qian Yu is a ruthless woman.

If it is now going to find him, with his personality, I am afraid I will not believe that the child is him. I haven't come to DNA, and he makes anything wrong. The consequences are unimaginable.

"What should I do now? I can't stand like this?" Qiao Qing asked.

"I am afraid that I can't clear it." Blue Qian Yu sighted, "After all, we haven't seen it for two years. There have been so many things in the past two years. Now I suddenly call him, his son is sick, need He transplanted the bone marrow, this news is too sudden, I am afraid he not only does not believe, he will think that I am a heart, I think, I still go to New York, I will see him, and tell things clear. "

"Qian Yu is right." Shen Sanghai nodded, "Night flames must be found, but you can't make a strategy as before, I feel that the Night flaming is extremely characterized, but he is actually a strong sense People, as long as you make things clear about him, he will save the thousand wings. "

"That is not too late, I will accompany you to New York now." Cold Ruo is immediately standing.

"Mom, let Qiao Qing go with me." Blue Qian Yu said, "You will help me with Shen Shu."

"Can you do it?" Cold if the ice is not worried, "in the American life is not familiar, English is not very good, and what do you do if you have a crazy hurt you?"

"Nothing." Blue Qian Yu smiled bitter, "I am now like this, he can't bear to do it for me. Again, Xiao Qianyi needs you to take care of you, you and Shen Shu is also relatively easy."

"Okay, then you take the high-speed train past, just in the train station, there is a bus after half an hour, about three hours. If you take the plane, you have to book tickets, I am afraid of late ..."

"it is good."


At 5:30 in the afternoon, Blue Qian Yu and Qiao Qing took the high-speed train to New York.

Blue Thousands have been looking at the window, here, she still wants to wear black veil, people around you look at her with a different eye, don't understand why a fantastic girl is like this to cover up their faces.

Blue Qian Yu feels those eyes, the mood is more heavy, raise his hand, look at the forehead, what will she look like this? Will not be afraid like Xiao Han, I don't dare to look at her. Still use the meager language to marry her, blue thousand feathers, I have to leave me, live you become like this ...

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