Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 371 is changed in a way to see him 1

Why do you think about women who don't love me?

Maybe, I really should forget the blue thousand feathers, start ...


The taxi slowly opened the green road of the night house.

Blue Qian Yu stared at the border of the night at night, and the heart suppressed, she closed his eyes, said to himself, blue thousand feather, you should know, he can't wait for you, now you come back to find He is for the child, not to comply with him, why is it sad? ? ?

"Qian Yu, what should we do now?" Qiao Qing Xiaoliang asked, "What should I do if I want to return to Washington?"

"Don't go back." Blue Qian Yu took a breath, wiped off tears, said calmly, "We found a guest nearby, and then look for Night flaming tomorrow."

"Ah?" Qiao Qing lived, she didn't know, the Blue Qian Yu wanted to do anything.

"He is now with Gong Yao, I am, if I take him, I will not only pay attention to it, but I will be counterproductive, wait for tomorrow." Blue Qian Yu sighted a sigh of breath.

"You are right. At this time, it is indeed not suitable for him, but the illness of Xiao Qianyi can no longer drag again, tomorrow we have to act early ..."

"Well, I know ..." Blue Qian Yu took a forehead, and his heart was messy.


The taxi driver took Blue Qian Yu and Qiao Qing to a nearby hotel. The two opened a standard room for the time being. Blue Qian Yu played a phone call, saying that it is not suitable for the night flames tonight, and go to tomorrow. He, in short, will handle things as soon as possible, with night flames to Washington.

Cold if ice, she doesn't want to worry, slowly, Yuanqing first gives a small killer to do the treatment, and arrange a process of bone marrow transplantation, it is not necessary to do surgery.


Blue Qianyu did not sleep overnight, with repeated sways in the mind and the scenes of the night flames and Yao Yao, recalling the past past, and very uncomfortable. . .

Now that the night flames have been with Qiang Yao. If she takes him again, will he really save the thousand wings? Even if saved, I am afraid he will grab the thousand wings, and she is nothing. If you lose the thousand wings, what is the meaning of her life. . .

I thought about it, the mobile phone suddenly received a text message, Blue Qian Yu opened a text message, it was the cold, if the cold is sent -

"Qian Yu, I think about it, maybe someone can help us."

Blue Qianyu went back to the phone to refresh: "Mom, who are you talking about?"

"Thousands of feathers, so late, have you still slept?" Cold asked, "I thought you have slept, send text messages to let you see it again tomorrow morning."

"You don't sleep like it?" Blue Qianyu sadly said, "You are also worried about the thousand wings? I am not filial, I have been letting you - worry."

"Fool, we are mother and daughter, how to say so good? Qian Yu, I will tell you, I have been thinking about Night flaming today, I think we can find Zhao Jun to help."

"Zhao Jun?" Blue Qianpu is an accident.

"Yes, in fact, these two years, Zhao Jun has always kept contact me. He often gives me a text message to find your news. He said that you are a good girl, even if you are separated from night, he also wants you. Well! I think he is quite emots with you. Maybe you can find him, let things clear, ask him to help persuade the night flames. "

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