Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 372 is changed in a way to see him 2

"Well, you are right, this is also a way." Blue Qianfei nodded, "Although Zhao Jun is under the blaze of the flame, he is heavy, and he has been taken care of with night flames. I. Now I am looking for him, he should not resignate. And, I am not familiar with life here, I don't know where the company's company is, I will find him tomorrow. "

"I sent you Zhao Jun's phone number, you contact him."

"Well, you have sent it, I will contact him right away."


After the cold, the Zhao Jun's phone number was sent to Zhao Jun, and the Blue Qian Yu immediately sent a text message to Zhao Jun: "Zhao Jun, I am Blue Qianyu. After seeing, please contact me, thank you!"

SMS just sent a minute, Zhao Jun called the phone, heard the voice of Blue Qian Yu, he was very excited: "Miss L. is really you? I thought it was a man delique to me."

"I am not a big person, why others will pretend to be me." Blue Qianyu smiled.

"Miss L., where are you now? Is it okay?"

"I, I am in New York, I have something to help, are you convenient?"

"Easy, of course, it is convenient. Where are you in New York? I will go to you now."

Blue Qianyu told the address Zhao Jun, and then he was in charge: "Don't tell anyone, you came over alone."

"Well, I am not far from you, twenty minutes."

"I went to the hotel lobby waiting for you."

"it is good."


Hanging up the phone, Blue Qianfei got up, Qiao Qing just took a shower, and asked: "Qian Yu, what do you change this time?"

"I got about Zhao Jun, I will talk to him." Blue Qian Yu puts up the coat, "all in the morning, you sleep, don't worry about me."

"I will go with you, you can go alone, I don't worry."


"Don't be, wait for me, I will change clothes right away."


Blue Qian Yu and Qiao Qing have been waiting for a few minutes in the hotel lobby. Zhao Jun came, although Blue Qianyu wore a veil, he still recognized it, her eyes were different from others, no matter how many things happened, always like this Clam.

Zhao Jun binds a box in the 12th floor of the hotel, but also called some Western tea, while taking a meal.

"Miss L., I didn't expect you to call me, it is so surprised." Zhao Jun's mood is a bit excited. "Are you okay? Is it a time to do this time? Is it with your husband? Does it? "

"Husband?" Blue Qian Yu lived, "What husband?"

"You, are you married to Leizie?" Zhao Jun softly asked, "I also got a child. What is wrong with you?"

"Who tells you, I am married to Leizie?" Blue Qian Yu was very surprised.

"Yeah, how can I pull this way? Who said?" Qiao Qing also asked.

"You didn't marry him?" "Zhao Jun asked urgently," that, who is your child? "

"How do you know that I have a child?" Blue Qian Yu is watching, "What is going on?"

"A year ago, the owner went to C city to find you, we kissed you in the hospital, seeing you and Leizi holding a child, there are two maid saying that the child is like you and Leizi, Le Lee is also called Shen Mada. , Isn't this ... "Zhao Jun's words said half of it," Is it our misunderstanding?? "

"Of course, misunderstood!" Qiao Qing is angry out, "Le Le is a brother of Qianyu, how can they marry and have children?"

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