Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 373 is changed in a way to see him 3

"Qiao Qing ..." Blue Qian Yu is eager to drink, but unjust Qiao Qing has leaked his mouth.

"Brother ????" Zhao Jun is unbelieving, "Le Le is your brother? This, what is going on?"

Qiao Qing knows that he just said his mistake, now I don't dare to say more.

"Miss, Miss, you can rest assured, no matter what I know, I will never leak a half sentence." Zhao Jun urgently asked, "If you and Leizhen's relationship is secret, you don't want to say, I will not force you, but I only I want to know, who is the child? Since it is not Le Le, is it ... "

He suddenly took a meal, "Xiao Han's?"

"Of course not." Qiao Qing is a bit angry, "What are you talking about? How can I be Xiao Han?"

"Is the master?" "Zhao Jun is excited," Is it true? "

Blue thousand lowers, did not speak.

"In the beginning, since I saw the child, did you see the child's eyes?" Qiao Qing glared at him.

"At that time, the owner wanted to see the situation, so the car was opened behind the flower bed. We didn't see the child's look at a few meters. Not to mention the child." Zhao Jun quickly explained, "How do you suddenly mention your eyes? What happened? What happened to the child? "

"Xiaoqian wings grow a pair of amber pupils, obviously the child of the Night flame !!!" Qiao Qing said.

"Heaven, it's really the master ..." Zhao Junxun is mad, "Too good, great! The owner knows this news will be very happy."

"Gay? He is now tangled together, how can he have a thousand feathers." Qiao Qing smiled. "He is really can't wait. How long has this disease, just with Qiang Yao together? His no woman can't live, is it? "

"Qiao Qing ..." Blue Qian Yu low drunk, Qiao Qing is directly, dare to say dare to do, dare to hate, and Blue Qian Yu feels, now she is not qualified to eat the vinegar of the flame, now come to him, but now It is for the child to stop, why bother to mention those things.

"This ..." Zhao Jun said with a touch of his nose. Not much to say, in the recent year, the night flames have been very close to the Yao Yao, and the two often have double-in, and sometimes there is some awkward. He doesn't know if they are really together.

However, Zhao Jun advised: "Miss L., when the owner misunderstood you married Leles, and gave him a child, it was very uncomfortable, and the whole person was very decadent, but now did not recover now. Miss Palace likes him, maybe she take the initiative. Their relationship is now, I am not very clear, but I think the owner should still think about you, it is better to arrange you, each If the words are clear, if the owner knows that he has a child, it will be very happy. "

"Zhao Jun, I am looking for you today, just want to talk about children." Blue Qianyu has no lighter, "My son now got leukemia, urgently need bone marrow transplantation, my blood type is different, the doctor let me find him Dad, so I came to New York to find Night flaming. "

"What ???? Little grandfather got leukemia?" Zhao Jun was very shocked, "How can it be?" He quickly took out the mobile phone, "The matter is not suitable, we quickly inform the master."

"Wait a minute ..." Blue Qian Yu is blocked in time, "I can't tell him in a time. I want to meet him more. At that time, I will tell him all the truth, but I am afraid that he doesn't believe me, or It is crazy as before, so I am looking for you. "

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