Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 374 is changed in a way to see him 4

"I understand." Zhao Jun now understands the meaning of Blue Qianyu, "Miss L., you can rest assured, the owner passes so many things, he has become calm, he will not be as paranoid as before." He really made anything, I will stop him, even if it is not for you, I have to think about the young master. "

"You finally say something." Joe clear him.

"Qiao Qing, you don't do this." Blue Qian Yulara Her sleeves.

"Oh ..." Zhao Jun was embarrassed to scratch.

"Zhao Jun, I am relieved." Blue Qian Yu said, "If tomorrow, the night flame does not believe that the child is him, I can let them test the DNA, in short, before prove the relationship between him and the child, hope He don't go crazy as before, my purpose is to persuade him to transplanted bone marrow to children, as for our feelings, don't mention it, ok? "

"Reassured, I know what to do." Zhao Jun nodded again, "The owner now usually go to the company nine in the morning, I will find an excuse to come out tomorrow, it is estimated that you will meet, can you meet?"

"Yes." Blue Qianfei nodded, "When you plan to call me, I will catch it on time."

"Okay, I will contact it at the time. It is not too early, you will go back to rest early, you will be bright."

"thank you."


Blue Qian Yu sent to Zhao Jun. It was already at 4:30 in the morning. She and Qiao Qing retired, and Qiao Qing was already tired, washed a face, and slept.

Blue Qian Yu wants to meet tomorrow, and the heart is still unrest, turning around, can't sleep.


Time passed very quickly, and the blink of the sky was bright, and the blue thousand Yu looked at the time on the phone. It was 7 o'clock. Now the night flames have not arrived yet. Zhao Jun can't arrange so quickly. Time is also early, she closes her eyes When I slept for a while, I thought of the illness of the disease, and my ugly deformation face, her heart is like a thorn, still difficult to fall asleep.


At 9 o'clock in the morning, Blue Qian Yu took a mobile phone to see, there is no movement, Zhao Jun has not called yet, and did not send text messages.

Blue Thousand is staring at the phone, anxiously waiting for his news.

I have been waiting until 9:30, Zhao Jun finally sent a text message: "Miss L., the owner drunk last night, calling said that today is not coming. You don't worry, I will go to the night home to find him, I will find a way. Take him out. "

Seeing this text message, Blue Qianfei is very lost, the mind is not invoicing to think that Yesterday I saw the intimate scene of the night flames and Gong Yao in the car, he was drinking too much, or last night, the wind is alive. So I can't sleep? ?

Thinking, Blue Qian Yu is like a knife, tears full ...


When Zhao Jun arrived at night, he was ten o'clock. He sounded the door of the night flaming, no one responded, he thought, the night flame may still sleep, change it, he did not dare to disturb, but It is now related to Blue Qian Yu and Little Master, he has to take the liberty once again, and ring the door again.

Finally, someone will open the door, but open the door, Zhao Jun saw it was anori Yao Yao! ! ! !

Gong Yao wears sexy pajamas, wearing a jacket of the night flames, messy hair, sleeping to Zhao Jun, said: "The flame brother is still sleeping, what?"

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