Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 375 is changed in a way to see him 5

Zhao Jun went to the bedroom, and the night flames slept in the bed, naked the upper body, the thin quilt covered the middle part of the body, and the bed was scattered with his clothes.

The bed is a mess, there is a trace of red wine on the quilt, it seems that they have already taken it last night. . .

Zhao Jun wrinkled eyebrows, secretly sighed in his heart, I don't know if I should talk to the night flame.

Miyao Yao saw Zhao Jun did not talk, ready to close the door.

"Wait a minute." Zhao Jun was busy with the door, eagerly said, "The owner, I have important things."

Miyao Yao is unfortunate to him, blaming him to noisy to night flames.

"Master, master ..." Zhao Jun called two times, the night flame on the bed finally moved, turned over, revealing the body wearing white bullets, covering the eyes with arms, lazy and irritated: "what's up?"

"Hometown people want to see you." Zhao Jun found a speech.

Blue Qianyu, thousands of ,,,,, ,,,, ,,, , ,, I said.


The night flame is shocked, is it to flash in the mind, is it her?

Qiang Yao pulled the clothes of Zhao Jun, he looked at her, she asked her hand: "Who?"

Zhao Jun did not answer Gong Yao, continue to say to Night Flam: "The master, this thing is really important, just I beg you, go see her."

Night flames opened their eyes, although Zhao Jun was his part, but it was very arrogant. In addition to the matter of his life, Zhao Jun has never said that the words, now use this word, and it is really important. No matter whether it is a blue thousand feathers, he is necessary.

Thinking of this, the night flames are sitting up from the bed, is preparing to go to the bathroom, but I saw that Qi Yao wearing a pajamas standing in the door, and looked at the clothes that scattered in bed. He suddenly stunned ...

How is this going?

What happened to Yau last night? ?

The night flames shake his head, recalling the things last night, he drunk in the night, and the Yao Yao took the bodyguard to drag him back, and it was really drinking too much. He remembered blue milf in the car, some lost attracted I said some passes, and then, he seems to regard the Yao Yao as a Blue Qianyu, kissed her ...

Later, his stomach is uncomfortable. Gong Yao helped him home, and then he wouldn't remember it, but he can be sure, he didn't touch her, definitely no.

So thinking, the night flames are rest assured, no longer pay attention to Qiang Yao, go straight to the bathroom to wash clothes ...


Zhao Jun put down, gave Blue Thousand: "Miss L., the owner has got up, 12 o'clock, we met on the seventh floor of the Sea Restaurant in time, you play at the past, the taxis know."

"Well! I will arrive on time." Blue Qianyu is happy, suddenly turned up from the bed, start to wash your dress.

When you blow your hair, she looked at my ugly face in the mirror, and she thought she had already destroyed, even if she was wearing it, she couldn't change this fact ...

Her heart, it's cold.


After half an hour, the night flames came out from the room, and the stomach was still very uncomfortable. The maid sent light breakfast, and Qi Yao Yao remembered her meal.

The night flame is completely unimportant, while walking outside the jacket button, whispered: "Who is that old man?"

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