Obviously, in front of you, just a few meters away from the place, but met, but did not comply, he only had the beautiful "Blue Qian Yu", no her, no her. .

The world likes to look at it, and she has already lost the only advantage, turned into a monster that everyone was cast.

How can the night flame recognize her? ? ? ?

Blue Qian Yu lies his face, crying, heart, just like torn, bloody ...

"Qian Yu, Qian Yu ..." Qiao Qing said with her sputum, shouting with Chinese excited people, "Don't point it, don't point to her, go, you rollers ..."

"This, this, this, what is going on?"

Zhao Jun came over and looked at Blue Qian Yu, and he believes that he believes this is the real blue thousand feather, because she worked in the hospital for two years, she wore this veil when she took care of the night flame, and because of this blue thousand feathers A pair of clear and transparent eyes.

Unfortunately, there is no time to look at it. If he saw her eyes, he will find that this is the blue thousand feathers who think about it. .

"You also ask us what happened?" Qiao Qing pushed Zhao Jun, "I want to ask you, why do you have a model? Who is the woman? Who is it ???"

"I don't know, I really don't know." Zhao Jun shake his head, "I am shocked, really ..."

He hurriedly picked up the veil to give the blue thousand feathers, "Miss L., don't be excited, we figure out what you know."

Blue Qianyu has already heard him talking, she feels the sky, and the eyes are black, and the paralyzed is soft ...

Qian Yu ---- "


Zhao Jun originally wanted to send blue Qian Yu to the hospital, but Qiao Qing knew that she must not be willing, she was hit because the illness of the small wing was hit, plus it didn't sleep last night, today is also so much stimulation coma.

The two have been looking for a room to open the room in the hotel and take the blue thousands of feather to rest.

Qiao Qing fed a little glucose to Blue Qianyu. He took a while, after a while, she finally woke up, thinking that the scene just in the restaurant, she desperately crying ...

Qiao Qing also cryed, and said that she couldn't know how she didn't know the bitterness of the blue thousand. The night flame didn't know her. He was rubbing with her, but he didn't know her. Everyone said that she is ugly eight strange, monster……

God, why do God want to be so cruel to Qian Yu? ? ? why? ? ?

Zhao Jun looked at two sad women, flustered, didn't know what to do.

Qiao Qing uses a pillow to smash him, angry, he blames you, blame you, you have already found that woman, why not stop? You said, is the woman ?? ? "

"No, it's really. How can I make that kind of thing?" Zhao Jun as an urgent explanation, "I didn't see the girl at the time, when you arrived, the owner stared at the girl's back, I found out , I am felt that you have come ... "

"What is going on?" Qiao Qing is so crazy. "Why did a woman have a model with a thousand feathers, and just at that time? ??? Moreover, she seems to be called Night flaming Name, she is at all, who is pretending to be a thousand feathers, who is it, what is attempted ??? "

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