"I don't know, big sister, I also want to figure out these questions." Zhao Jun was annoyed to grab hair.

At this time, the phone rang, it was the night flames.

Zhao Jun hurriedly said: "It is the phone's phone, don't cry first, I answer it, see what he said, maybe he has discovered that is a counterfeit."

"Well." Qiao Qing took a head and wiped tears.

Blue Qian Yu also bite the lower lips and stops crying.

Zhao Jun answers the phone and opens hands-free, let them hear the sound of the night flames -

"the host!"

"Zhao Jun, where did you die ?? Hurry and tell me the contact information of Qianyu."

"Master, which, which thousand feathers?"

"Strap, I just chased the restaurant, I couldn't see it everywhere, I can't find her everywhere, don't you have her contact number? I have a text message with her before, tell me the number."

"The master, that ..."

"I saw her, she opposite the street, did not say." The night flame hangs up the phone and chasing the blue thousand feathers. .


Listening to the blind sound of the doodle came from the phone, the blue thousands of sea flashed the girl's strange and cold smile, can't help but cry, she suddenly realized that the girl is deliberately pretending to Who is she? Is there any attempt?

"Heaven, my brain is chaotic." Zhao Jun held his head, carefully analyzed, "Qiao Qing said just reminded me, yes, the girl did called the name of the owner, she is deliberately pretending to Miss, she is who is it?"

"It's a wave of not flat, one wave," Qiao Qing said, "Xiao Qianyi is still lying on his father to transplanted the bone marrow. Now, another woman has been exactly the same as Qian Yu, this time, night I am afraid that I will never see us again. "

"You don't worry, I will go to investigate this matter right away. I must give you answers as soon as possible." Zhao Jun got up.

"Wait a minute." Blue Qian Yu suddenly called him, calmly said, "The woman actually be pleasing to me, she should be ready, she will never be so easy to be demolished, not to mention, night flames like ..."

Blue Qian Yu has a lip, whispered, "I still care about her. Maybe he will not believe in your words."

"The owner cares that she is concerned, he is to treat her as you." Zhao Jun immediately said, "Miss L., I told you before, the owner has you, you don't believe, this matter is , But you can also prove a question, the owner is really careful. Today he is waiting for you so long, you have not seen him nervous, he has been waiting for you to come back. "

"Since this is the case, then we quickly found the night flames, let him talk about it." Qiao Qing said, "Although the face of the thousand feathers is destroyed, but carefully look at it."

"I am afraid we have no chance." Blue Qian Yu is tired of the forehead, "Zhao Jun, you will try again to play the phone, see if you don't play?"

"Well." Zhao Jun immediately tried to broadcast the phone call. Sure enough, the phone has not been able to connect, he is shocked, "What is going on?"

"The woman is to confuse the night flames with my identity, and she knows that I am in New York, if you will wear the state, so ..." Blue Qian Yu squinted, "she will definitely first flame, let us I can't contact him for a long time. In that time, she could let the night flames fell in love with her, and at the same time, you can also take me !!! "

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