"Qian Yu, your belly is hungry? Do you want to eat something?"

Qiao Qing's concern, now five o'clock in the evening, they have never eaten things from the morning.

"It's a bit hungry, let's go to the restaurant to eat, now this time, we must shape it, can't be separated."



Two people walked in the restaurant, Qiao Qing said: "Qian Yu, you have a phone call to do Mom, tell her, we are going back."

"Well, I almost forgot." Blue Qian Yu took out the phone to the cold.

At this time, a black suddenly hit blue thousands of feathers, her mobile phone fell to the ground, she quickly went to the top, the black man went down her face: "What is the mystery of wearing a grille!"


The people around the people look at the blue millet, some are screaming, some in the discussion, some are in the hands and feet.

Blue Qian Yu is squatting on the ground, only thinking that those eyes are like sharp sharp edges, and the heart is going to pierce. .

"How do you walk?" Qiao Qing was angry, and he quickly picked up the ventricle.

"Shit!" The black suddenly pushed Qiao Qing, Qiao Qing fell to the ground, hit it on the wooden table, and the black man said in English. "The low and instant Chinese actually dare Your? You find dead - "

"Qian Yu, what is he yet?" Qiao Qing asked.

"China is a great nation, the Chinese have excellent bloodline and good quality, you are not qualified to insult the Chinese." Blue Qian Yu returned the black in English.

"Is it ugly?" The black is a slap in the blue thousand.

Blue millet falls on the ground, the nose is blood DC.

"Qian Yu!" Qiao Qing hurriedly rushed to support the blue thousand feathers, and he was going to with the blacks, but the black man fierce her.

Qiao Qing saw the surrounding, everyone turned the head, a look, some people even looked at the joke, no one stood up and helped them.

"Mom, all said that the Chinese is indifferent, the American devil is more famous, and it is like a man to bully two women, there is no one to talk to us." Qiao Qing got his teeth.

"Dare to use the Chinese to marry me?" Although the black people don't understand Qiao Qing, but look at her eyes know that she is married him, he once again swayed her ...

"Ah -" Qiao Qing scared.

At this time, a Chinese man suddenly grabbed his hand, the black man is about to be angry, the Chinese man said in English: "I have already reported the opportunity, so I will come over, do you want to squat prison?"

The black man looked back, and there was a railway police to come here. He glanced at Qiao Qing and Blue Qianyu, a big step.

The Chinese man helped Lin Qian Yu and Qiao Qing, two people quickly thanked him: "Thank you."

"You don't have to be polite, I am also Chinese, I just can't see the foreign countries to bully our compatriots." Chinese men are about 40 years old, the appearance is ordinary, the body is medium, but a pair look very shielded, he looked back That black, whispered, "Go out, don't fight with people. The black is obviously deliberately to find out, I see someone gives him money, let him deliberately come to you, you may have a sin."


(Ten chapters of the 9th, the future update will be arranged in the early morning of the day, so on time, everyone can read it at once. But don't stay up late, you can watch it next morning. In addition, if Sometimes I have a busy job, or something, may be updated later, I will try to inform everyone in the final chapter of the daily update, everyone remembers the attention.)

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