"What? How can it be?" Qiao Qing is pale, "We don't know people on the train, who can sin, why do people want to harm us?"

"Don't necessarily be people on the train, maybe we have already tracked."

Blue Qian Yu is calm, she wants to right about it, I always feel that women who pretending to be a premeditude, not only understand her and night flames, but also with her, may love night flames.

Now, the woman who has these conditions is not that Jinshen is Shen Coicheng. If Shen Coiconds should be impossible, she has been kiluating in Hong Kong, and there are still some scars on my face. There is no cure.

So, it should be the Sushu! ! !

Blue Qian Yu recalls two years ago, when the night flames do surgery, she takes care of him in the hospital. Si Qin in order to take her, deliberately introduce Xiao Han to the hospital, but I didn't expect Xiao Han to see the injury on Blue Qianyu face. Just tailored to escape.

Later, Blue Qianyu resigned from the old man, and Jusheng was very unwilling. He also said to her before leaving it. She will be back! She will come back! ! !

In the past two years, Blue Qianyu did not contact Xiao Han, nor did you know the news of Jusheng, maybe Jusheng has never given up, maybe she goes back to get the night flame.

This speculation is reasonable, but Blue Qian Yu always feels that things have a flaw, although the current cosmetic surgery is very developed, but it is necessary to have a complete person to make someone else. If there is a different place, if the night flames should be able to see Separate.

"How can you have two young girls?" The voice of the middle-aged man interrupted the thoughts of Blue Qian Yu.


"Maybe we really have sinned people, don't know." Blue Qian Yu interrupted Qiao Qing in time, said to the middle-aged man, "Thank you for helping us."

"You're welcome." The middle-aged man didn't say more, returned to his position.

"Qian Yu, or we sit with the uncle, if there is anything, he can help us." Qiao Qing said.

"He meets us, the little things can help, if someone is insisted to deal with us, he can't help anything, and we will also be tired." Blue Qian Yu said, "Let's go to the car, there is a long room Close, there is also a railway police, more secure. "

"Oh, ok."


The two came to the No. 1 car, the blue thousands of feathers were whispered to Qiao Qing: "Qiao Qing, we are in danger, can't believe in others, especially if you can't leak half a secret, otherwise you don't know how you die."

"It turns out that you have a call to the uncle." Qiao Qing now suddenly realized.

"The heart of the harm is not, the heart is not good, be careful." Blue Qian Yu said, "The Uncle doesn't look like a bad person, but we can't disclose confidential to him, otherwise it will Even tired of him. "

"you are right."

"Qiao Qing, followed me, let you suffer, the restaurant is not safe, we will bear two hours, go back to the hospital and eat again."

"Okay. You hurry to call your mother."



Blue Qian Yu took a phone call to the cold, and avoided the frustrations they met. He only said that the night flames suddenly came to this morning. They had to temporarily return to Washington, let Zhao Jun help them pay attention to the situation, and so on. I will go to New York to find a night flame.

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