"Qian Yu, are I dream?"

Night flames can't believe in everything in front of me. Blue Qian Yu has never been so gentle to him, but he didn't say love him. But now, she talks about him the most beautiful love, but also so gentle.

All this is like a dream! ! !

If this is a dream, he wants to be never waken ...

"It's not a dream, this is true ..." "Blue Qian Yu" took lounged the face of the night, and kissed him deeply ...

"Blue Qian Yu" kisses enthusiastically wild, and also can pick up the desire of men easily with soffish skills.

She smashed his handsome lips, and the smart tongue opened his tooth, and explored him deeply lingering.

When the night flame is instantaneous, holding the blue thousand feathers, he kissed her, hey, rude, he bite her lips, licking her tongue, constantly plunding her beauty, let her like one Snow ice is like melting in his arms.

With this hot kiss, his breath quickly became rush, his hands were tightly licking her, and it seems to want to take her into their own body, never separate.

"Qian Yu, Qian Yu, my thousand feathers ..."

"Blue Qian Yu" is fascinated by him. His emotion makes her excitement. She is looking forward to this day for a long time, now finally, he is her, forever.

"Flame ..." "Blue Qian Yu" gently pulled the face of the night flaming, and the shy said, "There is a wooden house, and we live there tonight."

"Good." Night flames nodded, put "Blue Qian Yu" and stepped to the wooden house.

This scene is like a dream, the night flames countless fantasy Blue Qianyu can take the initiative to take the initiative, now they are realized, he is excited and excited, I have forgotten thinking, forgetting, and even wants to live in this dream, Never wake up. . . .


Blue Qianyu is really tired too tired, crying in bed for a while, I will fall asleep.

It is not long for sleeping. She is woken up by a hurry, Qiao Qing shouted outside: "Qian Yu, Qian Yu, I wake up, the thousand wings have an accident."

Blue Qianyu conditions reflected, the heart is in an urgent opening door: "What happened? What happened?"

"The thousand wings flow a lot of nosebleeds, can't stop, cold aunt is scared to cry, Yuan Qing doctor let me call you to hurry." Qiao Qing said.

Blue Qian Yu is rushing to a small wing ward, Qiao Qing catchs her veil from the bed: "Qian Yu, veil ..."

Blue Qianyu can't take much care, keep running forward, although only a short one hundred meters, but she feels like a few centuries, my legs are so soft ...

"Ah ----" The nurse in the corridor saw the face of Blue Qian Yu scared.

Blue Qian Yu has no feeling, if her son is going, do she still need to care about these people? ?

Finally ran to the ward, blue thousand Yu Yuling, rushing in, cold if the ice is crying, the Yuan Qing is on the blood, the needle, the needle, the poor small thousand wings continue, the whole face It turned into a sauce purple, and the little hand was messy. It seems that I want to pull my mother's hand ...


Please support my other end of the work "Devil gambling: abdominal black BOSS is difficult to serve"

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