Blue Qian Yu looks like this, tears, tightly holding his little hand, crying, shaking, the heart is like a sharp knife in a gentleman, stranded her blood, blood blurring ...

She really hopes to replace the little wings, she has made a mistake last life, and the old man should deal with her, even if she wants to punish her, she will hurt her child? ? ?

"The illness of Xiaoqian wings is very fast, and I am unexpected." Yuan Qing is anxiously said, "Cannot drag it again, have to arrange bone marrow transplantation surgery."

"But the night flame is not in New York, what should I do?" Cold if ice is going to collapse.

"He is in New York ..." Blue Qian Yu immediately called Zhao Jun, crying, "Zhao Jun, the condition of the thousand wings worsened, you have to operate as soon as possible, have you found the night flame?"

"Sorry, Miss, Miss, I, I haven't found him yet ..." Zhao Jun is very embarrassed. "I just went to the clue from Miss Palace, with her to find the owner, but the owner is not there. Here, I have to have another way to find another way now. You don't worry, I will do everything ... "

"I can't wait." Blue Qian Yu took the tears and did a decision. "I can't sit still again, I have to let him come to me."

"Qian Yu, what do you want to do?" Cold asked if it was uneasy.

"Miss Lan, you mean ..."

"Zhao Jun, you can help me contact all media reporters who can contact, I want to hold a reporter reception !!!"





In the wooden house, the night flame will fall down on the bed, just kiss her, while can't wait to tear her clothes, I can't see her for two years, he urgently wants to get her, prove she is him, always is his……

"Wait a minute." "Blue Qian Yu" with hands with the shoulders of the night flame, said, "You are sweating, first to take a shower."

"Wash it together." Night flames don't want to let go.

"Don't ..." "Blue Qian Yu" wants to meet him, "people are shy."

When the night flames, Blue Qian Yu never said this, tonight, she is so abnormal, but he will soon ignore this problem, this is a good thing, she will be shy to him, he has him.

"That's okay, I will wash first." The night flame reached out.

The eyes of "Blue Qianyu" were shaken by the light, and the next consciousness closed.

"Is the light to be too glaring? I changed to the wall light." The night flame is very considerate, reached out to the wall light.

"You are really careful." "Blue Qian Yu" hooks his neck.

The night flames were gentle to look at her, but found that her eyes were different, although more charming, there was no former aura and clear.

"How do you looked at me?" "Blue Qian Yu" reached his hand and touched his face. "Is there any dirty thing on my face?"

"No." The night flame turned off the crystal chandelier, opened the dim light, sitting in the bed, "Don't take a bath, let's talk."

"Okay." "Blue Qian Yu" turned over to him, and his hands were charming his neck. Sexy red lips were attached to his ear. "What posture do you want to talk? "

The night flamested her waist, deeply looked at her: "Qian Yu, you are not the same as before."


(10 chapters on the top 10 have all been made, I hope everyone likes it.)

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