"Flame ... ah ..."

"Blue Qian Yu" also wants to argue, the night flames are more hard to hold her neck. She is so uncomfortable, and her face is red, and it is very clear: "I, I am really ... really blue Qian Yu, is your thousand feather ... "

"You don't say it?" Night flames showed eyebrows, ready for re-use.

"You or ..." "" Blue Qian Yu "suddenly succinked," I used you to misunderstood me ... I will hurt me, you will be killed by yourself ... Our children, now I want ... I? "

The night flame is shocked. Recalling in my mind, I have hurt the blue thousands of hurts, because he is too impulsive too much, so I will push the blue thousands, and he also personallyys and deaths.

Looking at this exactly the same face, thinking about their tragic children, his hand, slowly open ...

"Flame, I am really a thousand feathers, is your favorite thousand ..."

"Blue Qian Yu" cried and hugged the night flaming, but one hand touched a slender silver needle in the bracelet ...

"No, you are not a thousand feathers, not !!!" The night flames came back, I want to push the "Blue Qian Yu", she fierce the silver needle into his back and neck ...

The night flames are shocked, and they have a big eyes: "You ..."

"Sorry, I won't hurt you, I just want to be with you, I love you !!!" "Blue Qian Yu" panic explained.

Night flames did not listen, fierce her, reached out to her back neck, I want to allocate the silver needle, but a paralyzed feeling suddenly fluttered through the whole body, he quickly lost all the strength, a body Hey, almost fall, but he is tenacious hard, holding the wall to go out.

"You don't leave, you are getting more, the anesthetic will be faster into your body." "Blue Qian Yu" pulled him, "You believe me, I will not hurt you ..."

"Rolling -" The night flames bite anger, but unfortunately sound is unfortunate, the line of sight is blurred, the legs are soft, hard to walk, I will fall.

"Flame!" "Blue Qian Yu" in a timely manner.

"You ... Who?" The eyes of the Night flaming have only a gap, and the face becomes pale, and the forehead seeps the cold sweat of hemp.

"Blue Qian Yu" leaned over him in his ear: "I am the favorite woman in this world. Hey, sleep well, wake up, everything will become a foregone, no one can dismount us."


Night flames quickly fell into severe coma, and there was no perception.

"Blue Qian Yu" dragged him to the bed, replaced the wet clothes for him, cover the quilt, and took a hot towel to wipe the sweat on his face for him, and the movements were gentle.

After erased, she took off her clothes and slept in the night flames, holding him, chantly kissing his face, whispering in his ear -

"Master, do you really forget me? I am Jusheng, I love your Susam. I know that I am not beautiful enough, the body is not good enough, you have never seen my eyes, so I put myself into blue The look, do you know how much I love you? "

She stroked his chest and was intoxicated. "My face has a dozen knives, and I have made a lot of surgery. In order to achieve the effect, I didn't even use anesthetic. At that time, I really hurt. Dead, but, as long as you think soon, you can return to you, become your most loved woman, I have forgotten what I have forgotten ... "

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