"As long as you think soon, you can return to you, be your most loveless woman, I have forgotten what pain ..." Joho climbed to night flames, and kissed his body, "You are mine," its mine……"

"Dudu -"

The voice of the mobile phone shocked, the Susolian stopped the action, turned over the bed, touched her mobile phone from the bed, listening to the phone: "What is going on?"

"Blue Qian Yu is very smart, get rid of black Watt, it is easy to get out." A low voice came, "and she wants to convene a reporter reception, I don't know what she wants to do."

"Oh!" "Si Qin's cold smile," Hold a reporter reception? On her now, you can scare people to death, who will believe her? "

"Zhao Jun helped her to take everything, there is Zhao Jun testified, will definitely have certain credibility." The voice said.

"That gang is hiring, I have long seen him not pleasing." The Siqin was spoiled and angry. "You hurriedly solved him, even a woman couldn't do it, what else did you use ??!"

"You use this kind of tone to talk to me, what are you doing? But it is a dog around the night flaming." The voice was angry, "I clearly, we are partnerships."

"Cooperative relationship?" Si Qin's laughter, "Xiao Qi, if I was not I found you, you are still a dog who flees around, can you cooperate with me?"

"Your nonsense is finished?" Xiao Qi was angry, "You have a person a person, don't expect me, anyway, I am climbing the Qin family now, and I don't have to go out."

"You ..." Justang said, thinking that he is now lonely without helping, if Xiao Qi does not help her, she is a big uncle, thinking, she put down the posture, "Ok, I just didn't speak. Good. I apologize to you, Xiao Qi, our plan has been accepted successful, if you give up in halfway, we can't get it. Even if you are now climbing Qin Wei, I will be dismantled in the night. "

Xiao Qi, the phone is silent, it seems to be thinking.

"Now, it is a step away. As long as we fight for a fight, everything is possible." Susheng once again advised, "Fugui Ronghua, the lofty status and power, there is also avenge to Xiao Han, everything, you all can be realised……"

"Okay, you don't have to say more." Xiao Qi interrupts her, "We have agreement before we cooperate, you don't move blue thousand feathers, I will not retaliate, we all love people for the other side. Leave a post. This agreement, I hope you don't forget. "

"You can rest assured, I will not forget." Sushu Xunxuan vowed to ensure that if I forgot, I have already killed the blue thousands, with my skills, kill her is like a confusing. "

"That's this, let me solve thousands of feathers, you deal with Night flames." Xiao Qi said, "Night flames won the thousand feathers from my hands, and I will not let them be together. Yes, that wild, can't continue to live! "

"This is right." Si Qin is satisfied, "seven days, as long as you delay seven days, everything can be solved, the wild species of Blue Thousand is dead, she can't be with night flames in this life."

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