Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 403 begins surgery (add new content, please re-see)

After listening to Blue Qian Yu, Xiao Han didn't say anything, indeed, from the beginning, the night flames brought too much damage, whenever the blue Qian Yu needs him, he is not around her, like this man, I can't give her happiness at all ...

What's more, the face of Blue Thousand is so this, even Xiao Han can't accept it, how can the night flames face?

Perhaps, they are incorrect from the beginning, now, in the future, they cannot be together.

Maybe it's simply separated, it is also a kind of relief.

"You can think so." Gong Yao excitedly made a sign language. "You give me an agreement now, stand well, I agree to do surgery, give you my son," I will donate myself. "

"What she said?" Blue Qian Yu asked Xiao Han.

"She told you to have an agreement, and I will do surgery." Xiao Han wrinkled.

"Well." Blue Qian Yu immediately took a paper pen to prepare to write, but Yao Yao stopped her and made a sign language to her ...

"You Yao Yao, you don't have too much." Xiao Han angryly drunk.

"What she said?" Yue Qian Yu asked.

Xiao Han did not answer her, and his hooded Yao said: "You are aggressive, thousands of feathers have agreed to be with the night flames, you also put this request ..."

"What is she saying?" Blue Qian Yu happily.

Gong Yao did not do a sign language, wrote directly on the paper: "I want you to use your own blood, but also to swear your son's life !!!"

Blue Qian Yu lived, she didn't expect Yong Yao so extreme, and actually put forward such a request.

Miyao Yao continued to write: "You just write a guarantee. I have no effect. I have to guarantee, you have a bloodline, swear with your son's life, I can believe you, and, as long as you will not Violation of vows, your son is not retributed, this is fair! "

Blue thousand feathers have an eyebrow, and the heart is very uneasy, let her stand alone, but she doesn't want to swear by the lunch of the little wing.

"Now your son is in the residence, do you still need to consider? Waiting for you to think about it, his life is really no ..."

"Okay, I wrote." Blue Qian Yu bites his fingers, writes on paper -

"My blue thousand Yu is vowed here. As long as the Yong Yao donates my marrow, the surgery is successful, there will be no matter what happens in the future, I will not be with the night, if there is a breach, our mother is not good! "

Blue Qian Yu wrote himself in this, so her heart is good.

"Qian Yu, why do you want to write this?" Xiao Han looked at this blood embarssion and felt seepaged.

Miyao Yao is satisfied with the blood embarrassment, and the joyful laugh is, blowing the blood, carefully stacked up in the clothes, and then do the sign language to them: "Now you can go to surgery."

"Well, let's hurry." Blue Qian Yu quickly let Xiao Han call the doctor to arrange surgery.

Yong Yao has no resignation, very cooperated, although the doctor said that her body is somewhat weak, it is necessary to take a few days, but she said no problem ...

Cold Ruo Bing and Qiao Qing learned that the bone marrow of Miyao and the small wings are paired, and they have been arranged, they are very happy, the little thousand wings have been saved.

The Yuan was clear, but for the safety of the small wings, she made a surgery with the doctor of Xiao Han.


At the same time, Zhao Jun took a large number of bodyguards to find the night flames, almost turned over the entire New York, and there was no news.

The few reporters who have been quietly followed from the hotel have already learned some of the probably, and sneaked some photos, secretly publish news on the Internet, just to exaggerate their words according to their understanding, change their faces.

The news said that Blue Qian Yu was pregnant after he left Xiao Han, and the child in her belly was a night flame. Now the child has leukemia, it is necessary to transplanted the bone marrow, but the night flame is cold and ruthless, and does not agree to the child.

Therefore, Blue Qian Yu will hold a reporter reception and use the pressure of public opinion to force him.


The doctor is arrangeing surgery because the donor to do some preparations before surgery, so surgery is arranged after eight hours.

Now Yong Yao has lived in the medical room and begins to accept a full detailed examination.

Everyone is busy can't be opened, no one pays attention to the Internet has been open.

Far away from the night of the foreign countries received a message and immediately returned to the United States immediately. . .

Cold if ice wakes up, knowing that the little wings can be processed, excited tears, she and Qiao Qing have always guarded the little wings outside the operating room.

Blue Qianfei is afraid that the Yao Yao will repent, and two people sitting outside the medical chamber are not departed with Xiao Han.

Her emotions have always been tight, have never been soothing in a second, and the eyes filled with blood have been staring at the medical room, it seems that it is not careful that the palace rain will run away ...

Xiao Han saw her look, it was very uncomfortable, but he knew that he was talking about it. He couldn't bring it to Blue Qian Yu, and he had to sit next to it and gently squatted her ...

(I asked the editor today, I know that the book has no price increase, because this chapter wrote more than one hundred words, will receive more money. Now delete yesterday's notice, plus content, add content, and replenish it.)

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