Flowerfield in the wooden house ...

Joinshen opened a black round box, there is a colorful small bug, the thumb size, very beautiful, she bites her finger and feeds blood to the small bug.

The small bug is cheerful, drinking her blood, unfolding a beautiful little wings.

Joinsheng uses a hand of the cheek of the night flame, and the beeworms go to his mouth ...

This is a love that she comes in a witch that in Thailand. The small bug has already drunk her blood. Witch said that as long as she beloved, she will eat this insect grass, and he will die to her.

The small bug has been stuffed into the night flames, and the discomfort is awakened. He suddenly opened his eyes. The next consciousness wanted to put the piano with his hand, but found his own hands to be tied.

He struggled hard, but unfortunately, the anesthesia has nothing, there is not much strength at all.

The Sissor grain his mouth, forced him to swallow the bug, eager to say: "Flame, don't be afraid, this insect is not poisonous, you will like me after you eat ...

The night flame lifted his leg and kicked her, and then spit it out of the small bug in his mouth. It has been bitten by him, and he wants to vomit.

"Don't ..." Si Pin hurriedly went to the body of the bug.

Night flames stand up and run away ...

"Flame, don't take it ..." Jusheng took the bug.

There is also a strong anesthesia in the back and neck of the Night flame, and the line of sight is blurred, and it is running forward ...

Joqin was originally learned from martial arts, soon chasing him, rushing to pull him: "Flame, don't run, I love you, you just want to be with you ..."

"Shut up, you are really disgusting!" The night flames bite the roar of the teeth, and take her hand, continue to run forward, but accidentally stumbled to fall.

"I am so beautiful now, so warm, this is not what you want? Why don't you like me?" Si Qin cried to him, "but it doesn't matter, wait for you to eat this bug will like it. I am ... "

The night flames are sitting on the ground, back, and the hand hits a big stone, rub the rope on the stone, but unfortunately this stone is too blunt, and it is constantly grinding between the time.

Justo went over, using a hand and pressed the night flame, and the other hand put the body of the bug to his mouth, the night flames used to bite to eat, the legs wanted to kick her, but Her whole people ride on him, his legs have no way to move.

Although the night flame was made anesthesia needle, it was not so easy to deal with, making the final strength to earn her, hit her with her body ...

The Si Qin planted on the ground, the head hit the stone, and bloodped on the spot.

The night flames immediately stood up and slammed her foot, and her head hit on the stone again, and the scene was coma.

" -" Night flames spit out the things in their mouths, evil, non-stop, non-stop vomiting, then in the dagger on the squadron, cut off the rope on his hand, disgust, "true Mom is disgusting, this era actually believes in poison? Neuropathy !!! "

The night flames wipes the erase, and quickly go to the direction of the parking. At this time, Zhao Jun has already rushed over, and the excitement of the excitement: "The master is the master - "

Night flames look back, happy out: "How did you come now?"

"Master, I finally found you, go back with me, your son is going !!!"

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