At about an hour, Gong Yao was pushed out, and Xiao Qian wings stayed in the warehouse.

Gong Yao is asleep, and his face is very pale, with special medical care to take care of her.

Blue Qianyu, cold if ice, Qiao Qing also has Xiao Han to ask the doctor: "How is the operation? Success?"

"Bone marrow transplant surgery is different from other surgery, as long as the bone marrow pair, the blood is lost in the same way, there is nothing to say, if you really have to ask, it is only twenty days before you know. "

"Twenty Day ..." Blue Qian Yu is like a five thunder.

Before the operation, Yuan Qing told Blue Qian Yu and cold, and the bone marrow transplantation was quickly completed, but after surgery, it was necessary to restore stability in the warehouse, and the patient's response was observed.

This observation process takes about twenty days, and the different people will also be different, but the time will not deviate too much.

This waiting process is long and tortured, even for twenty minutes, Blue Qian Yu is still two decades, twenty days, she doesn't know if she can support.

"Qian Yu, don't worry, it has been transplanted with bone marrow, and children will not have something." Xiao Han loudly.

"Yeah, surgery is working very timely, there should be no bigger, you don't worry." Doctor also advised, "I have to treat the child now to treat traumatic, I don't tell you, you can Go to take a break, there is no so fast result, it is also dry here. "

Said, the doctor walked into the operating room.

"Qian Yu, your face is very bad, let's take a break." Xiao Han said.

"No, I have to wait for thousands of wings." Blue Qian Yu shook his head.

"I have to wait ..." Cold if the ice is pale, as if it will fall at any time, but the eyes are very firm.

"Okay, let's wait." Qiao Qing held the cold.

Xiao Han also sat down, he knew her temper, now, no matter what he said, she will not listen, what he can do is quietly accompanying her.


Xiao Han gave people to buy light Chinese rice porridge, let Blue Qian Yu eat, Qiao Qing is patient with: "Do Mom, Qian Yu, even if you want, you have to eat something, if you are all tired What should I do if Shen Shu and Xiao Qianyi do? "

"You are right." Blue Qianyu took a porridge, and the big mouth was eating.

If the cold is cold, it can't eat, the body is hard to get amazing, and the Blue Qianyu is forcing Qiao Qing and medical care to take her ...

There is only Blue Qian Yu and Xiao Han outside the operating room. Pain, her tears can't stop going down. .

"Qian Yu, don't do this, children will not have something ..."

In this sentence, Xiao Han said that there were tens of times today, he heard some annoyed, but he couldn't find other comfort.

"Qian Yu !!!!" A exciting voice suddenly came, the blue thousands of feathers came back, Le Lee dust came, the clothes were sweat, looked at the blue milf, and also looked at the operating room, his eyes immediately It's red, "" Thousands of wings do something, why don't you tell me? "

"Le Le ..." Blue Qian Yu saw him, just like seeing the pillar of life, rushing into his arms, crying, "I am afraid, I am so afraid ..."

"It's okay, it's okay, I am, I will not let the Qianyi thing." Leigh hugged her and gently patted her back.

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