Blue Qianyu hit the Leigh on the waist, cried and trembled, all sadness and panic were all turned into this time. .

She depressed too long, it was too uncomfortable ...

Xiao Han quietly looked at them. If you have five flavors, you have difficulty in hard work, things are going to move, and you will not be like him, so many things, she still bite hard in front of him. I am afraid that I am going to collapse, she still doesn't want to cry in his arms, but I encountered Leles, but she reflects the true fragility. .

This shows that she has long far more than him for Leles.

A woman is the most important person in her life, it is very obvious that this person is no longer Xiao Han! ! !

"It's okay, it's okay ..." Le Leng Qian Yu sat down and gently wiped her tears.

At this time, Qiao Qing hurriedly came, and the tears came out: "Leizie, you finally come."

Leles extended another arm, Qiao Qing excitedly puff into him, two women cry like tears in his arms.

For Blue Qian Yu, Qiao Qing, Cold, Relays, Leles is their spiritual pillars, life-saving straw, only to see him, their heart can be practical.

On this way, Qiao Qing has told Leles, Leizie knows the situation in the current situation, firmly said: "Nothing, I am, our home will not be ignorant, everyone will be safe, Everything will be better."

"Well." Qiao Qingni, "You go to see your mother, her body is weak, and I have always thought about the name of the thousand wings, I am really afraid that she can't help."

"Yes, let's take a look at my mother." Blue Qian Yu wiped tears while said, "I can still stand."

"Well, I will go to see my mother, wait for you to see you." Leilai fails to let the hair in the ear, and the tender to Qiao Qing, "You stay here to accompany you, I will take a picture , Come over. "

"Well, go."


Le Le to visit the cold, the surgical monitoring room is left, and the Qiao Qing also has Xiao Han.

Xiao Han leaned against the wall, inserted in the trouser bag, quietly looked at Blue Qian Yu, recalling the past past, his mood is very complicated ...

If he didn't betray her, but always loyal to her, loyal to their feelings, maybe they have long been married, and have their own children, you can live happily;

If he returns to the United States when he returns to the United States, he will not give him a chance to give him a chance, then there is no more than the night flames and Leles, they will still be together, everything is still beautiful;

If she is destroyed, he has not hilarious, but hugs her, maybe, maybe, they still have a chance ...

It's just that life is not so much. . .

He gave up her again, hurt her, betray her, so now, even if he wants to make up for her, it is impossible to take any parts in her heart.

For her, he is just a person who hits her for a critical hand, maybe she would be grateful, but will never have any feelings. .

Some things, lost, never get it again. .

"Master!" At this time, Si Hui hurriedly came, and handed him with a tablet. "You look at this news."

Xiao Han took the tablet, opened it, the brow is frowned, the photos, the blue thousands of feathers are suddenly enlarged, and people don't dare to see, her eyes are full of tears, bleak is very ...

"The hospital is surrounded by reporters!"

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