"How can it be?" Xiao Han angry frowned, "Where is the reporters who take the photo of Qianyu?"

"Maybe we have been mixed when we are busy with blood test." Si Hui said, "I have already added people to keep downstairs, don't let anyone come in, the Yuan doctor is also negotiating with the hospital, temporarily not There will be a reporter to mix in a boy, but the news has been sent out, it is crazy on the Internet, there is no way to press now. "

"There is no way to think about it." Xiao Han is commanded, "I will give me all the relationships, don't need this news, I can't continue to spread!"

"But the owner, the United States is not our site, we all ..."

"Nothing." Xiao Han strongly interrupted her words, "do our best to do it. If it is not really good, I will help me."

"You don't like to find him ..."

"Isn't it a special period now? Don't talk nonsense, hurry."


"Wait a minute." Blue Qian Yu called Si Hui, everyone looked at her, her emotions were slightly calm, "the news sent it out, I also have to convene this journalist conference announced this thing. Even if it is now strong, the people who see it still have seen the news. "

"Miss Lan is right." Si Hui said softly, "What do others look do not do, the key is the night, the night family has already seen the news, now there is no meaning to press this news."

Xiao Han wrinkled, and the dignity said: "But you haven't thought about it? In this way, the night flame will be entangled, the night, the old man will definitely pick your child back, but the night is most important .. "

"I have already expected that there will be such a day, it will come soon, I will come later." Blue Qian Yu is exhausted, "" paper can not live, even if you don't help me now, after, after they still Will know. "

"It's also." Xiao Han sighed, "That time, the night flames a car accident, I also thought a lot of ways, but unfortunately, you still know. Maybe the truth, I can't hide it at all."

"Yes." Blue Qian Yu looks deeply, "You understand this reason, so some things, we should face it, not escape."

"Oh, it's really embarrassing ..." Xiao Han laughed, did not expect his church president, many truths have to comprehend from Blue Qian Yu.

"However, the news distorted the facts, I am worried about the nightclub misunderstanding." Si Hui handed the splint computer to the blue thousand feathers, "You look at this news."

"No need to see." Blue Qian Yu pushed the computer, "After so much, I have already thought that there is no need to cover, and there is no need to explain. The fact that the heart is clean, the mind will naturally understand People, even if they are explained. "

"Say right." Si Hui admired to Blue Qian Yu, after so much suffering, Blue Qian Yu is still strong, keeping a calm mind, such courage is not average people.

"Okay, you look at the floor, don't let out the outsider." Xiao Han command.

"Yes." Si Hui is ready to leave, at this time, a bodyguard is in a hurry to report, "the owner, the night flame is coming !!!"

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