Blue Qian Yu looked at the night flames, it was very uncomfortable, but she didn't want to reveal him, she still said that it is clear: "The stomach pain remembers the medicine, if you are ill, you can't guard the thousand wings. "

Said, she turned and left ...

The footsteps are heavy, step by step, heart, becomes heavy with footsteps.

In fact, the blue milfy wants to go in the past to help the night flames, accompany him, appease him, a family to join hands, but she can't do this.

Because she is very clear, she and him are not only the blindness, but also the gap between reality.

He is always a high night, and everyone admires diamond men. There are countless outstanding women to becoming him, even if they are parallel and tuned, it is also an advantage in other women's eyes.

In the future of life, he will still face numerous temptations, and can he have been with those temptation? She is not confident!

What's more, her face is also like this. There is no hope to cure it. She is with him. She has a strong sense of inferiority. Even if he is deeply affectionate, it will have a pressure to her. She does not dare to touch it. His eyes, fear which second suddenly saw the disgust and despise in his eyes ...

She won't blame him, when she took the mirror, she was scared by her own, let alone him? ?

The man is born is a visual animal, and the beautiful thing has a powerful possession, and why did you be attracted by her beauty? If she is now from the beginning, the night flame will never like her ...

In fact, it is said that life is like this, thousands of times, not you, never belong to you.

Just fate likes to play you in the palm, put what you want, you can't want it, let you take a look, smell, create an urgent desire, then brutally take away.

Look at you, no help, sadness, the god of fate is excited!

And she, in addition to being crying, I can't do anything.

So for the future, for the child, for her own, she would rather no longer be attracted, I would rather no longer have, just ... won't lose anymore! ! !


In the room, the night flames looked at the direction of the blue thousand feathers, the heart, such as falling the bottomless abyss.

Or, like two years ago, she didn't care about him, she didn't care about him, he couldn't find a little bit of love from her.

If someone told him that he was waiting for him when he had surgery, if he didn't know that she had so much forced, he didn't even want to think with her. .

A woman's heart, is it going to be more cold?

Even if it is a stone, I am afraid I have to be warm.

However, she still is indifferent.

The lips of the Night flames were helpless, but the stomach was very painful, but they arrived in the pain. He suddenly remembered that he was so indifferent to Blue Qian Yu, and he left her back again and again. Is this so sad? ? ?

Or, this is the retribution.

Now, everything he will have, is from the front Blue Qianfei, he gave her hurt, now she wants to come back.

Ok, she will return to him ...

So thinking, the night flames are more pleasing, as if there is a goal, as long as there is one more opportunity, he will not give up ...

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