"What is this?"

Just entering the door, Xiao Han sighed, "I have him in my heart, but it is really self-satisfied."

Blue Qianyu did not speak, exhausted on the sofa, even breathing is exhausted.

"Forget it, say that these are useless, let it go." Xiao Han didn't know what to say, "I let people give you a shower water, you take a shower, take a break."

Said, he is going to call people.

"No." Blue Qian Yu shouted him, "You go out, I will take care of yourself."

"Okay." Xiao Han didn't say more, he knew, at this time, she needs a quiet and quiet.


Xiao Han gone.

The room recovered quiet, Blue Qian Yu got up to the bathroom to put water, sit in the edge of the bathtub, looked at the hot water vapor rising, she didn't help but remember all kinds of pasts from the night. .

If you change it, he will help her put her water, hold her to bath, and bathe.

Even if his temper is bad, you want to be strong, but he always takes the body to take care of her.

Moreover, he always knows her, understand what she needs ...

Such care is not what everyone can do.

Unfortunately, she can't have any more.


The night flames have been eaten, take a break, go to the bathroom.

Lying in the bathtub, close your eyes, his mind is not helpful to think about Blue Qianyu, thinking that they have been hot and lingering, thinking that she is in his body - pouring, thinking about her stubborn her The indifference, her laughs her cry, and she like a kitten like a kitten when she is sleeping ...

He loves her so much, this love is increased one day, but her heart, it seems to have never changed.

Until now, he still does not dare to be sure, she really loves him.

Even, a little bit. .


Bubble, eat stomach medicine, the night flames are ready to take a break, the bodyguard hurried to knock on the door: "Master Miss, Miss Palace suddenly fever, the situation is serious, the doctor invited you."

The night flame is shocked, even if you change your clothes, hurry out, come to Gong Yao together with the bodyguard.

Three female doctors gave the bed to Gong Yao, see the night flames, the chief doctor quickly reported: "The night, Miss Palace is always weak, this time the migration of the bone marrow, it is suddenly infected, so sudden I have a high fever, and now I have burn to 39 degrees, we are giving her. "

"Is the situation serious?" Night flames asked anxious.

"This, said serious is not serious, saying that it is not serious ..."

"Strap." Night flames were angry.

"Yes Yes." The doctor is afraid of a low head. "I mean, the situation of Miss Palace, the danger of life will definitely, but will be sinful, and the body will become weak in the future "

"Treat a good treatment, you can't leave the root." Night flame command.

"Yes." The doctor did not nod.

"Miss Palace has been in the face, it seems to be called you." Another doctor carefully said.

I heard this sentence, I can't help but feel moving in the heart of the night. The Qiang Yao has never changed his sincerity. He is very grateful to her, and he is very grateful to her.

He gently held her face, leaned down, said in her ear: "If you coagulate, you have to get better soon! The flame brother is waiting for you ..."

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