Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 449, counterattack, forced her to Dynasty 7

"You stay in the United States?" The night flames interrupt the blue thousands of feathers, and asked the doubt, "What should I do?"

Blue Qian Yu stunned, transfer the topic: "He doesn't matter with custody."

"Why is it nothing to do? Without him, are our families crackd out?" The night flamested coldly at her.

"I don't want to tell you these." Blue Qian Yu frowned, "In short, I won't give up."

"I will not give up." The attitude of Night flaming is very determined. "If you must compete with me, then we will see it."

"Okay." Blue Qian Yu is very simply, "the thousand wings have always been for me, even if you want to fight the lawsuit, you may not win. If you want to use what gray means, then I will be entangled with you! !! "

Blue Qian Yu said that the last sentence is particularly heavy, and she will tell her, she wants to tell her, as long as the night flames are refused to give up the rights, they will always be entangled.

And Gong Yao, also worshiped with night flames.

"Well, welcome to entangle." The night flames smiled, "As long as you are not afraid of Xiao Han jeal, I don't care. Anyway, I have to consume you with you."

Blue Qian Yu glanced at him, turned and walked, went a few steps, she remembered what is like, looking back to Night Flam, "I will live in the hospital before you recover, if you really want to fight the law Please wait until he is discharged. "

"Okay, no problem." The night flame promised.

Blue Qian Yu didn't talk again, leaving straight straight.

Looking at her back, there is a complex feelings in the eyes, and the Yao Yao is like this, and the heart is hurricane, bad, the blue thousand feathers are just coming back to the hospital, the flame brother is soft, if they continue to entangle I am afraid that I will ignite it again ...

What should I do when I arrive?

When you think of this, Gong Yao has done a gesture to the night flame.


Miyao chased the blue thousand feathers in the corridor, pulling her to the stairs, asking her in hand: "How are you thinking?"

"I have already said, I have to take back the child's custody." Blue Qian Yu said proudly, "I saw it just now, the night flaming is still not dead, if you don't help me get back the job, we will Can only be entangled. "

"I am not a lawyer, how can I help you?" Qiang Yao happily.

"It's very simple." Blue Qian Yu looked at the surrounding, handed a legal document to Qi Yao, "This is a document that gives up the right to support, as long as you sign a name on it, everything can be done. "

Gong Yao hesitatedly looked at the document, and his heart was very confused. In case, he will find that he will be angry.

"You think about it yourself." Blue Qian Yu Removes the document, "I have Leizie and Xiao Han's guardiand, you want to deal with me, it is impossible, the thousand wings are even more unable to start, your only way is to assist I got custody so that you can be with night flames. "

"But, do you say that you want to stay in the United States?" Gong Yao half a skeptic, if the blue thousand feather is not going, really stay in the United States, then will continue to be entangled with the night flame.

"I just fooled him, I was destroyed, I won't be, why stay in the United States how to survive?" Blue Qian Yu sighted a breath, "said, since I choose to leave the night flame, I will simply look, drag the hood No one is not good. "

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