Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 450, counterattack, forced her to Dynamic 8

Miyao Yao is still hesitating. It is indeed the best way to do this in the current situation, and she has no other way out, but she is very afraid, afraid of being discovered by the night flame, I will hate her. Into bone ...

"Are you still hesitating?" Blue Qianyu smiled coldly, "You slowly think, when I use other means to achieve the purpose, I will tell the night flames, anyway, I can't talk to him anyway. You can't cheaper you. "

Said, Blue Qian Yu turned and walked ...

Miyao Yao hurriedly pulled her, blue thousands of feathers looked back, she was eager to do the sign language: "I promise you!"

"This is right, knowing the time worker is Junjie!" Blue Qian Yu handed her to her. "In fact, this thing is very good, then trust you, you will take this folder in his business information. Give him signature, it is easy to make a clearance. "

Gong Yao nodded, did a sign language: "I have been waiting for a while, now the flame brother does not deal with official work, at least a few days will be dealt, then I will give him a sign."

"In short, it will be done before the thousand wings are discharged from the hospital." Blue Qian Yu is reminded, "After the thousands of wings are discharged, the night flames will file a lawsuit, and when they are late."



Xiao Han was gone in the hospital for two days. Leizie was only stayed for five days. After determining the physical condition of the thousand wings is very stable, he will rush back to China under the urgency of Lei Zhen Ting.

This time, the thousand wings have been well resumed, the doctor said, should not have any problems with the current situation. After twenty days, I can sure it is okay, but for his body, still want to nurture in the hospital. Two months.


The body of the Night flaming also recovered. He almost moved home to the hospital, and he will take three or four hours every day to handle business, and the other time is accompanying children.

Miyao Yao tried several times, but never found opportunities, the night flames were too savvy, Zhao Jun was also very cautious, she didn't have the opportunity to exchange documents.


Time passed a day, soon I went to twenty days from the isolation period. The body of Xiaoqianyi has been completely passing. The doctor said that this operation is very successful. As long as he adds a lot, he can live a healthy and healthy.

This news is a good news for everyone, and their mood is very excited.

And the face of Blue Qian Yu is also a lot, although still can't see people, but the new flesh that the wound dressed is slowly healed. The gold doctor said that it is about half a year, and the scars on her face can basically disappear. Left It takes over a year, and she needs to completely restore the previous appearance.

These two good news let Blue Qian Yu are full of confidence in the future. She tried to investigate the University of Rochester, I want to repeat, and I also contacted the music tutor before Hong Kong to help her write a letter. If it is possible to pass smoothly, she can not only continue to study, but also get a famous university diploma, and will have a good opportunity in the music circle.

However, she knows that the cost of learning is high, so she still found several hotels to apply for a pianist, every night, can earn a considerable fee.

Everything is smooth, and the life of Blue Qian Yu has begun to have a new hope. She is now full of confidence in the future, only the last step, the child's custody! ! !

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