Blue Qianyu gave Palace Yao down the last pass, before she didn't let the Night flames signed on the agreement of the custody, Blue Qian Yu wants another plan, and the Yong Yao will completely Lost the final opportunity.

Miyao Yao said, and quickly committed this matter tonight.


In the evening, Hairui said to everyone: "The young master can discharge tomorrow afternoon, you can send two family representatives to see him."

"I am going ..." The night flames and the blue rumor said in the same way, and they finished the other party.

"Let's go." The old man said, "The Millennium is now the most needed is the love of Mom and Dad. You go in and see him together."

"Yeah, yeah," Cold Ruo Yi nodded, "Qian Yu, Xiao Qianyi has not seen the night flaming, you introduce him, did he still learn to be a father?"

"Xiao Qianyi is Dad?" The night flame is very excited, "Really?"

"Of course, it is true." Cold, if the ice smiled, "he will call the monk word very early, the first name of the society is a mother, then Dad, no one taught him, I don't know how he is. Learn. "

"This is the nature, the nature of the blood source." The old man is full of emotions.

"I will go in first." The night flames have been equal, and the ward is taken directly into the ward.

"Wait a minute." Blue Qianyu quickly pulled him, the night flames, looked at her, she quickly released, whispered, "You haven't changed the bacteria."

"Oh, right." Night flames suddenly realized, "I almost forgot."

"The night is too excited, huh, huh." Hai Rui smiled softly, "come here to change it."

"it is good."


The two changed the sorghum segregation in the next door, and then came to the room of the small wings.

Xiao Qianyi has awakened, and the small eyes are covered, he is now one and a half years old, but because these more than five months have been in hospital treatment, there is no development of intelligence and body, and there are many thinns than before. A lot, watching it is very distressed.

The night flame screen breathed, carefully walked to the bedside, seeing the beloved son, his heart has a strong saten, listening to Grandpa, he is not good, often sick, did not expect his son now So much more difficult ...

"Thousands of baby, baby, I am a mother, mother ..." Blue Qian Yu saw a small killed tears and couldn't help but down, she immediately wiped tears, smiling at the child, "I also recognized me? I am Mommy. "

Xiao Qianyi saw Blue Qian Yu, and the little hands were happy, gently shouted: "Mom, Mom ..."

"Hey ..." Blue Qian Yu is excited to tears, "said that the baby is not remembering, I can't forget two months, I didn't expect you to remember my mother ..."

"You have born him, he certainly recognized you." Night flames comforted.

"Well." Blue Qianfei nodded, and quickly said to Xiao Qianyi, "Thousands of baby, you see, this is Dad, he is your father, don't you always read Dad? Now he is here, come and see is you……"

Xiao Qian wings stared at night flames and saw it for a long time. Suddenly shouted: "Dad, Dad ..."

I heard this shout, the night flames were excited to shake, and they said that he said: "He called me, call me ..."

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