"Stinky boy, see I don't smash your ass." The night flames will take a small fart on the small wings.

"Night flaming, you dare to hit my son, I will fight with you." Blue Qian Yu took the little thousand wings behind him, and the fierce glamorous glamor.

"Blue Qian Yu, now I am wronged, are you fair?" Night flames cry without tears, wiped the boy urine on his face, and walked into the bathroom.

"How are you so stunned? Is it angry with your son?" Blue Qian Yu thought that the night flames came to high, and now they were sprinkled with their son, and the tone was soft.

"Don't care about me, you are too good to have your son." The night flames were angry with a low drink, and he walked away.

"Don't make this, I will give the little killer to the maid, and I will help you to wash your face right away." Blue Qian Yu said.

"This is almost." The night flames came back and smiled very brilliant.

"Oh, I know you installed." Blue Qianyu happily laughed, "Waiting for me."

"Well." Night flamested nodded, but also made a ghost face to Xiaoyangyi, Xiao Qianyi with his mouth, and twisted his face disdain.


Blue Qian Yu makes parenting experts take care of Xiaoqianyi, and appeases the little wings for a while, I went to the room of the Night flaming.

The door of the night flame room did not close, hood, she knocked on the door outside: "Night flaming!"

"Come in!" The sound came from the bathroom. Blue Qianfei did not avoid some nervousness, and did a deep breath, and pushed the courage to push the door.

The door of the bathroom is open, the night flames are in the bathtub, don't know how much washed on the face, see Blue Qian Yu coming in, his eyes bloom excited light, , hook your fingers: "Baby, come over!"

"How do you take a bath? What should I do if I have seen it?" Blue Qianyu stood in the bedroom and did not dare to go.

"In addition to you, who can enter my room directly?" Night flames looked at her in the edge of the bathtub, "Come, let's take a bath together."

"Less poverty." Blue Qian Yu's blush, "Since you are taking a shower, I don't have to help you wash your face, you will wash, I will take a break."

Blue Qianyu turned to leave, the night flame was suddenly rushed to hug her, she was scared: "God, the door is not closed, others will see, let go!"

"Don't put it." The night flame fell down the blue thousands of feathers in the bathtub, and the breath said tightly. "

"You think about it every day, Xiao Qianyi is still small, and we have not compounded now ... ..."

If the blue thousand words have not been finished, they are blocked by the night flames like a fire-like hot kiss. He deeply kissed her, fierce and rude ...

Blue Qianyu is struggling, but the night flame does not give her an opportunity to resist, and the movements are getting deeper. . . .

"Qian Yu ..." The night flames of the low-spirited blue thousand feathers, I want to combine with her.

"Wow ..." At this time, there was a crying of Xiaoqianyi outside, and the Blue Qian Yu was shocked. "Xiao Qianyi is still trouble, I am afraid that the maid is not good, I will go Take a look. "

"Don't go ..." The night flames holds the blue thousand feathers, covering the eyebrows, unpleasant, "The bad boy has been used to it, now you have to hold it every night, let him learn from himself. "

"Xiao Qianyi is still small ..."

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