"What is it is still small? He is intentionally followed me, we have been separated for two years, and then struggled for half a year, I have been banned for nearly three years, you are not willing to give me now, you have just take the scissors. "Night flames are drunk, full of angry."

"You see you, like a child, and you can fight with your son." Blue Qian Yu can't help but laugh. "

"Xiao Qianyi is now one and a half years old, if you have been sleeping with us, then I have to have been banned? I don't care, I must ..."


"No." Night flames did not help but also have some point.


Blue Qian Yu has just struggled to resist, but it will soon sink.

They use each other's deep love, wild love, each other again, love is not released, you can't stop.

When they arrive at the cloud at the same time, I just feel that I am full of happiness, I just want to be in this way, forever, don't separate.


At five o'clock in the morning, the night flames and Blue Qian Yu were still asleep, and suddenly heard the sound of "" came from the room. The two suddenly woke up, the first reaction of Blue Qianyu was: "Worse, Xiao Qianyi climbed again. , Wear clothes. "

They did overnight, what clothes were not worn, and Blue Qian Yu didn't want to lose face in front of his son.

"This bad guys, every day, I will torture me every day." The night flame turned over and continued to sleep.

"Mom, Mom ..." Xiao Qianyi crawled on the carpet to the bed, the Blue Qianyu only set the piece of hanging tape, the small one, the upper body has climbed to the bedside, the blue thousand feather is afraid that he will fall, only have to hold him Going to bed, kissing the little wings and pink faces, loves to say, "Xiao Qianyi is small, how can I get up so early? Is there milk?"

When Blue Qian Yu Huaiqiao, the body is very poor, so there is no breast milk, and Xiao Qianyi is eating milk grows.

"Milk, Milk ..." Xiao Qianyi saw the full chest of the blue thousand, suddenly smiled, fierce, fierce, blushing, the chest of the chest, Mind, "Milk, Milk ... "

"Ah ... Xiao Qianyi doesn't make trouble, Mommy has no milk to eat." Blue Qian Yu is helpless, gently pulled the little wings.

When the night flames suddenly turned up, hugged the small thousand wings, and the fierce said: "Stinky boy, dare to eat your mum tofu, your Mommy can only give me a food, there is milk, don't give you."

"Dad, Dad, Dad ..." Xiao Qianyi was unhappy to put his mouth, suddenly screamed, biting the chest of the night flame.

"Ah ----" Night flames are screaming, "Hey, you are too embarrassed !!!"

"Haha ............"


The brilliant laughter spread throughout the room, outside, everyone heard this laugh, all are very pleased.

It has been full of hardships, they are finally together, everyone is happy for them.


On this day, the night flame did not go to the company, staying at home with blue and blue feathers and thousands of wings, lunch, thousand wings nap, night flames are wrapped twice, maybe because of the real abstinence is too long, night The energy of the flame is very good, and the blue thousands of feathers are tossing with him. It is exhausted. . .

Later, she couldn't help it, I slept, and the night flames lie on the side of her back, taking the neck on the neck, picking up two wedding rings, quietly wearing a blue thousand feathers. .

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