In the afternoon, Blue Qian Yu has always thought about the matter in the school, and always feels a little embarrassing, there is always an unknown hunch.

After school, Blue Qian Yu just got out of the school, just saw the car of the night flame on the roadside, can't help but walked over.

Night flames, sitting in the car, talking about the phone, seeing her, immediately showing gentle smile, reaching out, opening the door.

Blue-thousand feathers took a car, he also hanged the phone, holding her face, and branding a deep kiss on her delicate lips.

"Don't be like this, I have seen more than those of my classmates." Blue Qian Yu is ashamed down.

"Oh!" The night flames stared at her, and the thumb gently Moshi her lips, said softly, "I took you to eat."

"Well." Blue Qianfeng nodded, sweet smile.

Black Lamborghini is like a blast, and the night flame is driving one hand, and the blue millet is full of blue, and the lips are gentle.

Blue Qian Yu is still thinking about what I have encountered on the road in the morning. Some people are heavy.

The night flames are concerned: "What happened? It seems to be a heart?"

"Do you know how Xiao Qi is?" Blue Qian Yu asked carefully.

"Why is the good end to mention him ??" The night flames are unfolded.

"I saw someone in the street today like him ..." Blue Qian Yu is worried.

"Where are you see?" Night flames asked, "I have always sent people to catch him, but he has been flowing abroad, I don't know where to escape."

"That is going to the school." Blue Qian Yu Trial said, "We have a silver Ferrari to open, I saw a man who drove a little familiar, next to women ..." She suddenly said, "Zhao Jun said It is called Qin Wei. "

The look of the night flame is somewhat not natural, dry cough, sound asking: "You, know Qin Wei?"

"Seeing the news." Blue Qian Yu thought of the matter at the time, my heart was sorry for the night flame, "I just had a thousand wings in the hospital, I was very stimulated."

"Ah !! March is born that day?" The night flamested wide eyes, whispered, "Sorry, I wanted to stimulate you back to me with that news, I didn't expect it."

"Is it purely to stimulate me? What do you have to have someone else?" "Yulin Qian Yuling.

"No, there is absolutely no." The night flames rejected, but I was thinking, I didn't know if the play was not counted. The night was almost on Qin Wei, but the critical moment stopped.

"Really?" Blue Qian Yu is staring at him.

"Of course, it is true." Night Flames vowed to ensure that if I got her, I made a thunder. "

"For the past, I don't want to pursue again." Blue Qianyu is white, and then said, "said back to Xiao Qi, he did not arouse it, I felt very scared, always feel him When I suddenly took it out ... "

"Don't worry, I am, I will not let anyone hurt you." The night flames the shoulders of the blue thousand feathers. "I let Zhao Jun send people to investigate, if he is in the United States, I immediately solved him. "

"I mainly worry about the thousand wings, I am afraid that he will do something."

"No, have I am here."

"Well!" Blue Qianfei nodded, no more words, turned his head and looked at the streets outside the window, and suddenly saw the silver Ferrari ...

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