Blue Qianyu is shocked, even busy opening the window, two cars walking side by side, the people in the car seems to feel that someone is watching him, turning his head, looking at his face, can't help but stunning, This face is not Xiao Qi! ! ! !

"Hey, night!" The girl on the pick-up passengers greeted with night flames.

The night flames turned into the past, and the face had a unnatural, but soon, he quickly returned, waved her, and then accelerated the car.

Blue Qian Yu stared at the rearview mirror. The car was smashed behind, soon lost the trace, her heart is heavy, the man who drives the car is not Xiao Qi, which looks completely, only the back and the silhouette are somewhat.

"What did you just say?" The night flames looked at the blue millet from the rearview mirror.

"Well." Blue Qianfei nodded, "The silhouette of the man is very like Xiao Qi, but just see it, it has been determined not."

"You don't suspect the ghosts, that is the boyfriend of Qin Wei, is a Korean, called Han Xiu City!" The night flame said faintly, "recently in the New York Mall very active, Qin Jia Li held this future son-in-law."

"Hey." Blue Qian Yu should have, "The girl is Qin Wei?"

"Well." The night flames looked at her carefully. "I really have something to do with her, you don't think about it."

"I know." Blue Qian Yu is white, "the previous thing, if you find that you are not clean, I will not forgive you."

"I dare." The night flames hold the hands of the blue thousand feathers and kisses her hand back. "I have you enough!"

Blue thousands of smiles. .


On the Silver Ferrari, the man who drives: "Then is the Ding Ding's Night President Night Flame?"

"Yeah." Qin Wei's intimate is in the man, "the night is very powerful in the United States, but you are also very capable, under the support of our Qin family, you will be able to catch him soon. "

"Why not exceed him?" The man is slightly lighter.

"Oh ..." Qin Wei smashed and kissed the man, "I like this you have a wild man !!!"

"Your man will not be poor than others." The man is confident. "In the near future, I will be beyond the night flames and Xiao Han !!!"

"You know Xiao Han?" Qin Wei's asked, "he has not been active in the US commercial circle for a long time, but heard that recently returning to New York, it should be to participate in next week's international business negotiation."

"Of course, I know that he is the big man in the US commercial circle, I have always thought that they were targets." The man's eyes passed a complicated ray, "this international business negotiation, I must be big Light color! "

"Do not worry, there is Qin family, you will be surpassing them." Qin Wei said, "As long as you have the ambition, Qin family will support you, I also hope that my man will win the night flame !! ! "

When I said that Qin Wei's tone became sour. "Who let him have a gadget to give up me! The girlfriend of him is now not so good, there is no good, wear a mask, I don't know Who is it. "

"No matter what kind of person, you are talented women, beautiful ..." The man is intimate with Qin Wei, holding her a mad kiss, causing Qin Wei's excited scream ...

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