"Don't you do anything well?"

Blue Qian Yu is also a bit angry. She has always been relocated. It is not because of Xiao Han, but because the back of the eye is like Xiao Qi's Han Xiu City, let her have a panic, but the night flame does not understand her heart. I only know how to eat vinegar.

"I am unreasonable?" The night flames were anger. "" Then you talk about it, why are you not in mind? "

"I ..." Blue Qianyu I want to say because Han Xiu City, afraid that night flames are jealous, have to transfer the topic, "I don't want to quarrel with you."

The night flame deeply sucked a sigh of relief, biting the lower lips, returning the anger of the chest, he didn't want to lose his temper to her, but the car is getting faster and faster ...

"You put down me in front, I took the car back." Blue Qian Yu knows that he is angry, thinking that it will be quiet for a while or will be better.

The night flame is very hot, can't vent, really stopped the car in front of the road.

Blue Qianyu unwoves the seat belt, get off at the door, and the night flames did not see her take the car away, but he opened very slow, his eyes stared at the rearview mirror, if she could call him, or sue Soft, he will definitely pick her, but she doesn't ...

The night flame is very angry and drives the car away.

Blue Qian Yu looked at the direction of Lamborghini, and his heart was very lost. He was still like this, not understand her at all, don't believe her ...

The night flames opened the car, and it was unresino, and the anger of the anger did not extinguish. The more fired, but the mind was full of blue thousands of feathers. . .

Thinking, he still can't let it go, turn the car back to drive ...


Blue Qianyu stands on the roadside to play a taxi, but waited for a few minutes without waiting for an empty car.

When she was worried, she did not intend to see a familiar car - Xiao Han!

Xiao Han far saw Blue Qian Yu standing on the roadside, and quickly opened the car, stopped the car, Qin Xia concerned: "Miss Blue, how do you stand here? Isn't it going back with the flame brother?"

"Oh, he is a little urgent, I will let him go first." Blue Qian Yu lied, she didn't want Xiao Han to know her and the night flames.

"Don't lose you on the side of the road, what do you do if you do something?" Xiao Han went around and opened the door behind, "I got on the bus, I sent you home."

"No, I will take a taxi yourself." Blue Qian Yu didn't want to cause an end, and the night flame was eating her and Xiao Han's vinegar. If she took Xiao Han's car back, he would have misunderstood.

"Now this time, it is hard to hit the car here." Xiao Han wrinkled his eyebrows, "getting on the bus."

"Really don't have to be ..." Blue Qian Yu's words have not finished, Xiao Han pulled her hand, I went to the car, she wants to struggle, Qin Wei and Han Xiu City car will come, " Qin Xer took the car and ridicule, "Xiao Han, you are too like words? Xia is still sitting in your car, you will pull the night woman pull, what is the body?"

"Sister, you don't talk." Qin Xia quickly explained, "they just ..."

"You give it to me." Qin Wei interrupt Qin Xiya's words, "I said that he is not a good person, you are not listening, hurry to go home with me."

Said, she doesn't help but say Qin Xia, Qin Xia is annoyed, "Sister, don't pull me, my sister ..."

She looked back and seeing Xiao Han, but Xiao Han did not look at it. He had some good feelings to her. It is intended to have a development of her, but now, he feels very tired, it has not been interested ...

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