"Xiao Han, you persuade them." Blue Qianyu whispered to Xiao Han.

"What advise? You are a woman with a husband, but also hook other men, do you want to face?"

Qin Wei didn't have a good taste. Hard to leave Qin Xia, Xiao Han did not retain, forcibly put the blue thousands of feathers on the bus.

"What do you do?" Blue Qianyu opened him, "There is nothing between us, now it is not more and more black?"

"I want to add the sin, why no words, if others want to marry you, even if you do anything, people can find excuses and reasons." Xiao Han said coldly, "If people believe in you, you don't have to do anything , Not explained anything. "

I heard this sentence, Blue Qianyu is silent, yes, Xiao Han said it is right. If the night flames believe in her, it will not doubt her. .

"Do you have a noise with night flames?" Xiao Han asked.

"No." Blue Qian Yu avoids his gaze.

"Do you think you can hold me?" Xiao Hanmi took a backview of the mirror, and the righteousness of indignation, "Night flames, the quadruple egg, that is, the small gas is more suspected, always don't believe you, you are with him." Not happy, simply leave him, follow me ... "

"Xiao Han!" Blue Qianyu interrupted his words, said unswervingly, "I won't leave the night flame, he likes to eat vinegar, that is because he loves me, I care about me, although I will I am angry with him, but I will not be really put in my heart, because I love him. I have a past style between me. Now I can't be together now, this is very clear, so you will be avoided later. It's better to have a long time. "

Said, Blue Qian Yu opened the door and prepared to get off, but inadvertently saw the night flames from the rearview mirror, he stood behind the car and watched her deeply.

Blue Qian Yu is panicked, and even busy explains: "Flame, I ..."

Her whose words have not been finished, and the night flames hugged her, and she said low in her ear: "Sorry, I am careful."

Blue Qian Yu stunned, she understood that he had just said with Xiao Han, he all heard ...

"You are content, the thousands of people from beginning to end, you are you, you still don't believe her, is you willing to take her away?"

Xiao Han's voice came, Blue Qian Yu looked at him, this only understood that Xiao Han, I found that the night flames were behind the car, so it is deliberately said that she will lead to her heart.

The night flamested Xiao Han, holding blue thousand Yu.

On the door, he held her face, deeply kissed her, Blue Qian Yu blinked, somewhat embarrassing, because Xiao Han looked at them not far away, she wants to push him, but the night flame will She is very tight, she is in powerless resistance ...

She is helpless, she has to be tamered to withstand his hot kiss. . .

Xiao Han saw this scene, my heart is acidic, returned to the eyes, and I went to the car.

For a long time, the night flames released the blue thousand feathers, with her forehead, and said: "Sorry, thousands, I should not trust you!"

"I can't blame you, I also have a mistake, I should explain it to you." Blue Qianyu whispered, "In fact, I just didn't be embarrassed because of Han Xiu City, I always feel that he is like Xiao Qi, I feel scared, so I will It's not awkward ... "

"Don't be afraid, there is me, no one can hurt you." Night flames gently kissed her lips, "But there is an idea in your heart, must tell me, do you know?"

"alright, I got it!"

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