On the way back, the night flames played the call from Zhao Jun: "Character, check the bottom of Han Xiu City, to be detailed!"

"Yes, the master."


Hanging up the phone, the night flame comforts Blue Thousand: "Don't think about it, if this Han Xiu City really has a problem, I must find it, I will never let him hurt you."

"Well." Blue Qianfei nodded, comfort herself in his heart, maybe it's a lot, perhaps, people really just a Korean, did not think that she is so terrible ...


Xiao Han received the call of Qin Xia on the road, looked at the name on the screen, and his brow wrinkled, hesitated, and finally heard: "Hey!"

"Xiao Han, where are you? I am coming to you now." Qin Xia asked.

"Don't you go home with your sister?" Xiao Han said with anger.

"No, I am getting off on the road. I am an adult. I will not let my sister bind my behavior. I have my own freedom." Qin Xia said firmly, "and I learned who who didn't need someone else. remind."

"Oh?" Xiao Han's lips raised slightly, slightly with a trace of interest, he likes a woman who has a person with a personality, I originally thought that Qin Xia was teamed, and she didn't expect her to have such a side. "I think I think I think Is it a good man or a bad person? "

"Good people and bad guys don't absolutely, sometimes good people will do bad things, bad people will do good things, I only know that you are me ... I like people!"

In the last sentence, Qin Xia said very light, the smile of Xiao Han lips is more strong, "Where are you? I will pick you up."

"The big rope intersection." Qin Xia said, "I am waiting for you on the side of the road."

"Good, five minutes!"



Qin Wei was angry to bite his teeth: "This death, even dare to use jumped to threaten me, she is so soft, I didn't expect to have such a just side."

"Don't be angry, the little girl will always have their own ideas." Han Xiu City smiled comfort, "Some things have been slow, can't be worried."

"It is also." Qin Wei sighed a breath, "Xia likes Xiao Han for many years, nor I can change it in one or two sentences, and then I will find a way, in short, I can't let Xiao Han to grab property with me. "

"Oh ..." Han Xiu City smiled gently, "You, I don't have to think too much, as long as Mommy will be inherited for the property, Xiao Han wants to grab it."

"But I said that Mommy said, I would like to choose the successor after I got married." Qin Wei was out of mouth, and said that he was deeply looked at Han Xiu City. "We have intended for so long, it is owed to Marry me? "

"Of course, I have been serious about you." Han Xiu City held Qin Wei's hand, gentle pro, "But I am not working now, I don't want people to think that I am a man who eats soft rice, so , Or wait for me to say it again. "

"You think too much, as long as I don't mind, what else is eligible for you?" Qin Wei was in Han Xiu City, "as long as you are good to me."

"You are my baby, I will love you forever, hurt you ..." Han Xiu City affectionately kissed her, but the mind was thinking about another Lingyi seductive face.

Qin Wei is closed, and he is enthusiastic to kiss him. It is a night flaming, and you are not rare. I am rare, I am rare, I am.


(I have gone a chapter, boyfriend 5, now make up, please take a look, I am going to catch the plane now, this morning update this soon, in the afternoon or in the evening, can you write mobile phones point.)

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