Qin Xia was gentle: "I know you is not a year for two years, I think I know you very much, even for ten years, twenty years, I still can't change your feelings."

Said, she hooks Xiao Han's neck and took the initiative to offer her own kiss ...

This time, Xiao Han can't resist Qin Xia's enthusiasm and take the initiative, he wants her ...

Qin Xia is a beautiful girl, such as the first snow, her body is clean.

Xiao Han's movements became gentle, pity, and a girl under the body, there is a feeling of love ...


At the same time, the night flames and blue thousands of feathers returned to the family with the little thousand wings through the beautiful parent-child time, and the love of the night flame against the little wings, the love of the koi, the blue thousand is always sigh: "This world, your favorite People are small and thousands of wings, I have long, I don't know the first few .. "

"Rest assured, in my heart, you are as important as you and the thousand wings." Night flames came to hob kissing her, continue to play with the little wings, "Son, here, here ..."

"You have played slowly, I went to take a shower." Blue Qian Yu got up to take a shower, at this time, the mobile phone received a text message, "Qian Yu, convenient, give me a call."

In the past few years, Blue Qianyu has experienced a lot of hardships. Shen Zanghai is a support of her life, giving her a lot of help, she has already lifted the mustard with them, as half a father.

In life, feelings, if you encounter something difficult, Blue Qian is willing to discuss with him, and they are almost all, Shen Sanghai is a very thoughtful person. He sent this knowledge text message, it must be important thing.

Thinking of this, the mood of Blue Thousand has become heavy, and it is immediately holding mobile phones to the bathroom, and I will call Shen Sanghai back.

"Shen Shu!"

"Thousands of feathers, reports, bother you so late." The sound of Shen Sanghai reveals a kind, "Is the night flame around you? No noisy to you?"

"I am in the bathroom, he is accompanying you outside." Blue Qianyu asked softly, "Shen Shu, is there anything happening? You said, it doesn't matter."

"I don't know if I should say ..." Shen Sanghai is so hesitant, he is very decisive, "I am afraid, your mother will be angry, but I am really worrying ..."

"What is going on, you hurry." Blue Qian Yu is a bit anxious. "What is the same faithful to the father, what else?"

"Hey ..." Shen Sanghai deeply sighed, heavily said, "Qian Yu, your mother ..."

"Sanhai, who are you talking to anyone?" Cold Ruozhi hurriedly interrupted the Shen Sanghai, Shen Sanghai quickly hanged the phone, eagerly said, "Qian Yu, you have time to come back to see your mother, I can't say anymore. ... "

Said, he hangs the phone.

Blue Qian Yu listened to the blind sound from the phone, and the heart is uneasy, and the Shen Sanghai must conceal anything. Is it sick? ? ?

"Wife, what happened?" Night flaming pushed in, "What is dull?"

"I just took a call ..." Blue Qian Yu frowned, "It is uncle Uncle Shen, he wants to say, maybe there, but he didn't say it, I am worried."

"That's going to see, the family is close, now only nine o'clock, I will arrive in a while." The night flames said, "I quickly changed clothes, I went to make people."

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