"No." Blue Qian Yu is somewhat hard, "Shen Shu doesn't seem to want you to know this thing ..."

"Don't want me to know?" The night flames frowned, "Why?"

"I don't know, you don't want to go to your heart, he must have its own reason." Blue Qian Yu is in a traveler, "I tell you this matter, I think there is anything between our husband and wife. "

"You are doing very right." Night flames raised the lips, "I will tell me when I have any things, I will understand."

"Well, thank you for understanding." Blue Qianyu nodded, "You let the driver take the bus, I have a look."

"it is good."


The night flame allowed Zhao Jun to drive blue thousands of feathers to go back to cold, on the road, Blue Qianyu tried to play a call to Shenzhanghai, call, her heart is more uneasy.

I thought about it, she gave Qiao Qing ...

Since Blue Qian Yu returned to the night home, Qiao Qing did not live in the cold, and she also applied for a school in the United States, but her training is commercial management. She has nothing to do with the pursuit of music. Perseverance, not like Blue Qian Yu, so you want to improve the business department, learn something to find a superior work, live the life of the ordinary people.

However, she is going to visit Cold, and the holiday is also spent on cold ice, because Leres will come back, she has been waiting for Leigh in silent.

I hope that there is a day, Le Lee can be opened to her ...

Blue Qian Yu thought, maybe Qiao Qing will know the true truth.

Qiao Qing's phone quickly opened, Blue Qian Yu asked straight: "Qiao Qing, do you know what my mother is there?"

Qiao Qing stunned, unfortunately: "You will know so soon?"

"I really do something?" "YANG Qian Yu asked," What is going on? "

Qiao Qing silently took a few seconds, and it was difficult to say: "The mother does not let me tell you."

"Qiao Qing ..."

"You still ask her personally." Qiao Qing's voice is a bit heavy, "Qian Yu, I used to feel that the drum is very hard, she is too tired, when you and night flames, I really feel happy for you. I thought that the mother's life can also restore peace and peace, I didn't expect ... ... "

"I didn't think about it? What happened to my mother ???" "Blue Qian Yu's heart urgently asked," Qiao Qing, we love sisters, you never hit me anything. "

"I also want to tell you, but if you know, the burden in the heart will be heavier." Qiao Qing's voice is a bit swallowed. "The most careless person in this life is you, even if you are just frowning She will have a long time ... "

"Qiao Qing ..."

"Okay, I know that I can't get it, I tell you." Qiao Qing said, "The mother, was checked out ... There were brain tumors, the doctor said that her condition is very dangerous, it will be killed anytime, anywhere "

"What do you say ???" Blue Qian Yu's horror wide eyes, completely did not expect the truth, experienced so many things, their family is hard to live in peace and peace, but,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Such diseases. . . .

"Just starting to believe that in the first two months, the drizzle is often dizzy. Later, she fainted. I sent her to the hospital. The doctor checked out her brain minister a tumor. At the time, she still did not think about it. Say that the doctor may be a judgment, and later I took her to the consultation, I knew that this is true ... "

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