The driver's license before Blue Qianfei before, driving is not skilled, so in the middle of the night, the pedestrians on the road are rare, she has accelerated the speed, and she is still smooth.

On the road, she made a call for the night flames, worried that the night flames came home to find her, so I want to talk to the night flame, but the mobile phone of the night flame is unattended, she has to give up.

About more than 40 minutes of journey, Blue Qian Yu finally arrived at the North Second Ring Road, the roadside parked Xiao Han's white Ferrari, there is no signs of car accident, Blue Qianyu stops next to it, get off.

Nothing, Blue Qian Yu is very strange, a big hand suddenly reached out later, holding her nose, she is shocked, just want to struggle, but a strange fragrance came, she Soon, coma ...

"I will send her to Seya Hotel 709 room!" Qin Wei was commanded next to it.



A bodyguard will coma's blue thousands of feathers to Xiao Han's White Ferrari, and then open the car directly to the Sea Hotel.

Qin Wei was gave a car to leave, and quickly called Han Xiu City: "Xiu City, Blue Qian Yu has been done, what about your side?"

"I have already smashed Xiao Han to the 709 Room 709, waiting for Blue Qianyu, you can lead Xia and night flames."

"Okay, you are staring at the hotel, there is a situation to contact me."



Hanging up the phone, Qin Wei's restaurant nearby, on the road, she received the phone from Qin Xia -

"Sister, don't you say to pick up the city brother? How can I not come for so long?"

Qin Weier came out of Qinshiyia alone tonight, and Qin Xiya didn't pay attention to take her mobile phone, and then excused Han Xiu City, but found the road, she went out to pick him, actually using Qin Xiya mobile phone Call Blue Qianyu and lie to the nearby intersection.

Let's go early in the nearby bodyguard to get rid of blue thousands of bodyguards, and send blue thousands of feathers to get ready to ......

And Xiao Han's car is from Han Xiucheng. Han Xiu City dine tonight to eat Xiao Han to the restaurant near Seya Hotel, saying that he talks about business, Xiao Han has been skept to suspect Han Xiu City's origin I also want to know what his purpose is, so I will go to the appointment.

The strangeness is only quilted to be confident. He feels that he can't be planted in Han Xiucheng, so there is not much alert against Han Xiu City, and I didn't expect the circle of Han Xiu City.


Tonight, Qin Wei and Han Xiu City also implement plans, one is to dismantle Xiao Han and Qin Xiya, so as to avoid Xiao Han to fight for property; the second is to provoke Xiao Han and Night flames, let them continue to fight, two defeatings They take the interests of the fishing people; the three, Qin Wei has always been in the night flame and Blue Qianyu, so I want to retaliate them ...

Their plan is impeccable, dripping is not leaking.

Everything is going very smoothly. After more than 20 minutes, the bodyguard has got blue-Qian Yu's bed. Han Xiucheng immediately let the maid gave them to take off her clothes, only the last step, Qin Wei is preparing to put the night flame and Qin Xia Reference to the hotel ...

Qin Wei said that he did Xiao Han's bad words in front of Qinshiya. He also said that he was still infected with Blue Qianxi. Qin Xia didn't want to listen, directly stood up: "Sister, I believe that Xiao Han is not that kind of person, blue thousand feathers No, my own business, I have an inch, you don't say anything. "

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