"How is your girl so stubborn? I am a for you, will you still harm you?" Qin Wei said angrily. "When I just went to Xiu City, I met Xiao Han on the road. He drove. Blue Qian Yu, the two kiss me, I went to the hotel. I am afraid that I have already opened a house, I have done it. "

"What are you talking about?" Qin Xia was shocked to open his eyes, "This is impossible, Xiao Han will not do this, and the blue thousand Yu has completed with the night flame. How can she continue to work with Xiao Han?"

"Xia, so I said that you are stupid, you think everyone is like you is so simple?" Qin Wei has a little hate iron is not a steel, "Blue Qian Yu is originally a larina woman, Yanghua, she used to Just with the night flame, Xiao Han stirred together, while walking a few boats, now the night flames are busy, she is strange with Xiao Han, what is so strange? "

"It is impossible, impossible ..." Qin Xia did not move his head, couldn't believe Qin Wei's words, but he didn't have the bottom. She knew Xiao Han to Blue Qian Yu's feelings, even if she slept with her at night. He also shouted the name of Blue Qianyu. Every time he heard the name, she was very sour, but she was waiting patiently, waiting for him to forget the blue thousand feathers, open my heart to her ...

Did he really anticipate the blue millet? ? ? ?

"If you don't believe it, I will go with me." Qin Wei continued, "Do you know why I didn't come back so long? I just followed them, I am afraid that I have made wrong, so I will drive it in them. Behind, I later saw Xiao Han with Blue Qian Yu into the Sea Hotel, and the two still opened a room. "

"Will n't ..." Qin Xia worried, his eyes were red.

"If you don't believe, you don't know if you call Xiao Han?" Qin Wei said.

Qin Xiya was busy on Xiao Han, and the phone was turned off. She tried to call Blue Qianyu, and the phone did not answer, this time she was more flustered, there were three points to believe in Qin Wei.

"It seems that you still don't die, this, you will go to the Sea Hotel with me." Qin Wei took Qin Xiya to go out, "When you see Xiao Han and Blue Qian Yu lying in bed, you will believe in me. "

"Sister, you must be wrong, Xiao Han will not do this, he said, he and Blue Qian Yu are no longer possible." Qin Xia didn't want to go, one hand, "I believe him, he is not Will lie to me. "

"You are self-deception." Qin Wei is angry to bite, "How are you so don't? Your boyfriend is going to bed with other women, you don't dare to have a doctor?"

"I don't go, I don't go ..." Qin Xiya cried and shook his head, "from the beginning, Xiao Han reminded me, love his man in love is self-immolation, he said he can't make any promise for me, more It is impossible to be responsible for me, let me be mentally prepared, so even if they really have a relationship, I am not qualified. "

"You ..." Qin Wei was so disappointing, "You really want to die."

"My sister, you don't want to take me." Qin Xiya smashed with tears, "I know that you care about me, but you can't control this kind of thing, I don't want to tell you, I am going home."

Said, she is going, Qin Wei is not working, and in anxious, she took out the mobile phone to call the mother Winnie Mrs. "You don't go, I will inform Mommy, let Mommy look good. What kind of person is a son-in-law. "

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