"My sister is not ..." Qin Xia was haterbled to stop Qin Wei, "I am going to me, I will go with you, you will hang the phone, don't let Mummy know."

"This is right, ok, I hang."

Qin Wei was pretended to press the mobile phone button, but did not really hang up the phone, and the phone has been connected, she deliberately says -

"Xia, I know you like Xiao Han, you can't really feel at all, he is with you just to seek our Qin family property, people who like our hearts have always been blue thousands of feather, before he used to Blue Qian Yu is destroyed, with the night flames to be full of wind and rain, I have said to you, you don't believe me, I have no way, but now he is with you, and you will do it with Blue Qianyu, you But you can't deceive others. "

On the phone, Qin Wei and Qin Xica's mother Winni said these words, shocked and stunned, and thought it was wrong.

"Okay, let's go to the Seali Hotel now. If I misunderstand Xiao Han, I will never take care of you later. If Xiao Han really comes with Blue Qianyu, you can't be with him. "Qin Wei took Qin Xia to go out.

On the phone, Mrs. Winni hangs up the phone, and quickly give her husband Qin Xiang call - "

"What's wrong? I just didn't give you a call, say that I was receiving the customer? I came back after half an hour."

"Husband, you listen to me, Ji Yue called me, the phone was connected to Ä, I fed a few times, she didn't respond, then I heard her quarrel with Xia, said Xiao Han, I don't like Haya, and Xi Ya is together in order to win our family, but also said that Xiao Han has been with a woman named Blue Thousand! "

"Blue Qian Yu ??? That is a woman in the night, Xiao Han, with her. Have a relationship, he and the night flames for this woman to fight blood, how they are still entangled now?"

"Weier said they are now opening a house in Sea Hotel, but also pulls Hia to catch rape."

"There is this reason, that Xiao Han, dare to play with my Qin Xiang's daughter !!!"

"Husband, what should I do now?"

"I have a distance from Sea Hotel, you have two bodyguards to go to see, if there is something, I will never let go of Xiao Han."

"Well, I will go right away."


The night flames have a half bottle of whiskey, and the stomach is committed, and finally gets this difficult customer and signed this big business.

I got on the car, he had some drunkenness, but still remember to call Blue Qianyu, the phone did not answer, he thought, she probably fell asleep, so I sent her text message: "Wife, I am busy, I am busy. Now come back! "

"Master, I open the open hore, let you wake up." Zhao Jun handed a bottle of water in the night flame.

"Okay." The night flames have a few mouthfuls of water, leaning against the seat on the seat.

The night flame is really tired, recently the competition of the mall is getting bigger and bigger. Qin family jointly broke a few major investors, mainly attacking the US shopping malls, and became his biggest competitor, Mrs. Qin Xiang and Winni's wife's mother is a US political commander, forces Big, a big threat to the night flame, he dared to fell lightly.

However, the night flames still have not forgotten to care about Blue Qianyu. He knows that she is most worried about cold, and today I have contacted a French tumor expert to catch with Shen Sanghai, I hope to help them ...

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