Passing through a Chinese dessert shop, the night flames let Zhao Jun parked: "Go to the Xi Xi Siku, Qian Yu likes to eat."

"Yes, the master." Zhao Jun stopped the car and went to the dessert shop.

Looking at the mobile phone in the night, there did not reply to the text message. It seems that Qian Yu is really falling asleep. In the past, he went out every day, no matter how late, she will wait for him to go back, sometimes I can't sleep, but I heard a little movement. Wake up, then gently serve him to bathe.

Whenever I happened, even if I tired again, he will forget, then lingering like a fire.

She is now increasingly thoughtful, more and more, will cooperate with him, will also take the initiative to take the initiative, he loves her, and gradually be deep.

I hope that this emotion can be long and will never change.

" -" The phone ringtone interrupted the thoughts of the Night flame. He picked up the phone. The phone called Blue Qian Yu, his lip raised the charming radians, immediately answer the phone, "wife!"

"Your wife is with Xiao Han in the bed of 709 in Sea!"

This is a handled voice, it sounds some mechanical, no emotions, but like a bomb, the head of the night flame is blown, the frankly Q: "Who are you?"

The voice just fell, and the other party hangs up the phone.

The blind sound of "Dudu" in the mobile phone, the first perspective of the night flames is that some people are in the prank, if it is before, maybe he really believes, but now it is impossible, Qian Yu will not do this, absolutely, he Staring at the name in the call record, open the details, it is indeed the phone number of Blue Qian Yu.

what is the problem?

If it is a prank, how can I use Blue Thousand Mobile Phone Number? ?

More than forty minutes ago, Blue Qian Yu used this number to give him a call. At that time, how would it be like this now? What is it? ? ?

The more you want to be in anxious, you can't wait, you will sit on the driving position immediately, start the car directly to Seya Hotel ...

Zhao Jun pulled two scented in Siimi, from the dessert shop, saw the night flames opened the car, he was stupid, snorted and chased it: "The owner, you can't drive, the owner - "

Unfortunately, the night flame did not hear, the car quickly disappeared without trace.

Zhao Jun hurriedly called the night flames, the night flames did not pick up, and now the bodyguard came to catch up. He had to block a taxi to chase Night flaming.


Seya Hotel 709.

The maid will take the palate in the big bed, and they will cover Xiao Han in the blue milky, and the two people are very embarrassed, and they can't be misuse.

Han Xiu City is standing next to it, staring at them with a very strange look, raising the players, and showing the maid.

The room became silent, in addition to the two two people in bed, there is only Han Xiu City.

He looked at the clock on the wall. Five, there was still five minutes left, the people will come, his plan will soon realize, Xiao Han, Night flames, these two enemies, he wants one Slowly destroy, let them fall into the abyss ...

But Blue Thousand is a person he doesn't want to hurt, but he has no choice but to deal with them, she is the only piece of chess! ! ! !

The mobile phone is shocked, received a text message, Han Xiu City opened, is Qin Wei's post: "We went downstairs !!"

Han Xiu City touched a bottle of medicine in Xiao Han nose, let him smell, prompting him to wake up in advance, then put a sharp dagger on the pillow ...

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